Chapter 3

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Vincent POV

Our jet had landed and as I walked into the store I laid eyes on the most beautiful stunning women I had ever seen. Her eyes, hair, body looked like an artist had painted her from my imagination. I knew that she was in a gang because this shop isn't just made for anyone it's made for gang members only. I had to figure out what gang she was in. I saw her pick out a beautiful green dress and instantly knew she was going to be at the ball. Just Imagining her in that dress made me rock hard to the point where I had to walk away before I bent her over and took her in the store right now. I watched her leave the store with her dress in her hand. I asked the lady working if she would match me a tie to her dress. She happily agreed. She found me the perfect tie and I knew she would recognize me.

^His suit

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^His suit

Ella's POV

I didn't hear my father come home last night, but when I woke up he was in an oddly happy mood. The ball was only a hour and a half plane ride away and didn't start until 5. Leaving me until noon to get ready. I spent my day planning on what I was gonna do for my hair and makeup. I decided on some light curls with some Grey and green smoky eye to match my dress. It was the perfect dress. It hugged all of my curves and made my eyes stick out. It had an amazing pattern that brought out all of the details. All night all I could think about was the man I saw at the store yesterday.

Noon came around and I played music and did my hair and makeup exactly how I envisioned it to be. I slipped on my dress with the help of one of the maids my father keeps around and jumped because of the echoing voice of my dad calling my name. I could hear him start to drink so I rushed down stairs and ushered him out to the car heading to the hanger before he could get anymore more drinking down for the night.

Vincent POV

I woke up so excited for the ball. Basically stared at the clock until it was time to go. I had gotten dressed a hour before we even had to leave. The women does something else to me. She makes my heart want to be with her. "Vince are you okay? You kinda have that dreamy me kill me look going on for you" Noah chucked out.

"There was a girl at the shop when we went to go get out suits. Ever since then I can't get her out of my head. I need to know who she is" Vince said determined to find her.

2 hours laters at the ball

Ella's POV

It wasn't something new to attend these balls. My father would usually get drunk and leave me here until I decided I was ready to go back to the house. I will never call it home. It was home when my mom was alive now it's just a house I live in. For what I've gotten over the years the ball was meant for mafia gangs and members to get to talk business and develop alliances.

I scanned the room making sure I didn't find anyone I didn't want to socialize with. I decided it was safe enough to walk down the stairs and go where people were gathering. As soon as I walked down the stairs. I saw him and my gut tied into knots and emotions hit me more with all the flashbacks. I saw James.

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