Pictures - Frank iero

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sorry for being like gone for ages guys but i'm back and am gonna start writing more regularly!!! i'm still taking requests and am soon gonna update the Gerard way book! <3

y/n - your name
n/n - nickname

⚠️warnings⚠️ - stalker, obsessive love and threat of violence

i woke up ice cold, still struggling to get to sleep knowing i've been followed and watched. i was permanently unsettled and in fear of being taken.

The stalker had been taking pictures of me with a camera and sending some of them through my door most of them being on my walk to and from school, the knowingness of someone being obsessed with me was scary but also flattering in a sick way.

my mother called from downstairs
"you're going to be late you need to get walking love"

"okayyyy mum"
i replied back as i clambered out of bed and got dressed, i put on some eyeliner and concealer and ruffled up and hair sprayed my hair in place

i clambered down the stairs and gathered my things together,

"breakfast love?"
my mum asked kindly

"i'm not hungry but thank you"
i replied still half asleep

"are you feeling alright y/n?, you know about walking to school?"
she asked concerned

i was terrified about walking to school but i hate worring my mum so i lied
"i'll be okay, promise"

"well only if you're sure okay?"
she spoke softly as i nodded in agreement whilst she hugged me and walked me to the door

"go careful okay? if anything happens let me know"
i kissed my mum goodbye and began to walk to school

"bye mum!"
i called out

"have a good day y/n!"
she called back as i put in my headphones and played some music to drown out the anxiety of walking to school

———— Time skip to school————

i heard behind me as i jumped and turned around to see who it was

"Frank for fuck sake!"
i scolded him

"awhh I'm sorry y/n, but it had to be done!"
he said cockily

i began to tear up, i was so vulnerable as of late and i was so on edge

"oh shit y/n are you okay?"
he said concerned as he pulled me into a tight hug

"i'm sorry it's not you i've just had a lot on lately"
i spoke softly through my tears

"i'm so sorry y/n, why don't we talk about it at lunch it might help getting it off your chest?"
he said with kind eyes and a soft smile, we weren't hugging anymore but he still had his hands on my upper arms holding me tightly

"i'd like that, just please don't tell anyone please"
i begged him as i leaned into his chest

oh my god he smells so good, i feel so safe with him his hands are so big

"okay y/n, i'll see you then yeah?"
he spoke so softly to me whilst wiping tears from my face with his hands

"okay frankie"
i replied

and with that i wandered off to class and took my seat

during class i couldn't get frank out of my head, his smell, his eyes, the way he treats me differently to everyone else and how he's so gentle me with.
I've had a huge crush on him for a while now, I'm so obsessed with him and want him so badly. i will admit i have followed him a lot and i do stalk his social media a lot but i can't help it he's everything i want and more.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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