Dinner (paul)

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Your feeling sick after a long day at work but Paul decided to surprise you with a dinner
(1963 Paul)

"Ah shit"
I murmured under my breath as I dropped my keys

I just want to get inside and lay down

I eventually opened the door and stepped inside, the smell of something cooking and I saw roses on the table

I heard Paul shout from the kitchen

"Hello love, I'm back early"
I said trying to sound happy through the pain

"Oh, why didn't you call?"
Paul said coming towards me and giving me a hug

"You alright?"
I questioned

"Yeah it's just-, I planned a dinner and it's not done yet and your usually home later. I'm sorry"
He said flustered

"Oh darling, I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin all your hard work"
I said feeling guilty and holding his hand

"No no no, it's ok. I just wanted it to be all done for when you got home"
He said hugging me tightly and kissing me on the cheek gently

"Your too good to me"
I said softly, nuzzling into his chest

"Ah stop it love, c'mon let's set you down"
He said taking my hand and leading me into the kitchen

"Take a seat love"
He said setting me a place at the beautiful set table
"Dinner Well be ready soon, it's mash and gravy. I can't make much else and I didn't want to get a chippy cause we had that last night-"

I cut him off

"Paul, it's perfect"
I cooed, he blushed

"It will be 5 minutes love"
Paul said heading to the fridge to get some wine
Paul handed me the bottle
"You must be thirsty"
He winked

I opened the bottle of wine and poured some into my glass, I'm so thankful the pain had decreased

"Oi, save some for me"
Paul joked putting the mash on the table

"It smells delightful, darling"
I said with a smile, which made Paul smile

"I'll just make the gravy, then I'll dish up"
He said getting the gravy boat out the cupboard

Once he made the gravy he sat down at the table with me and began to serve the food.

"It looks Devine"
I said hungrily

"Don't flatter me love"
Paul said modestly blushing

Once Paul had served up the food I immediately dug in

"Mmm, this is your best meal yet"
I said genuinely impressed by Paul's skills

"Do you really think so?"
He said looking smug

"Yes, it's wonderful"
I said taking a sip of my wine

Paul and i sat together for a little while enjoying each other's company and eating the delicious food Paul prepared

But then I felt it, the pain. It came back

I let out a small noise of pain

"You alright love?"
Paul asked concerned

I can't let him know, he might think it's the food

"I'm fine love"
I said bluntly and taking a sip of my wine

The pain intensified and I couldn't help but start to cry

Paul said sweetly coming over to me

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
I weeped

"What's wrong love?"
Paul asked pulling me into a tight hug

"I'm so's sorry, i- I'm sick but I didn't want to say anything or I would have spoilt your dinner"
I cried out

"Oh darling, I'm sorry. I knew something was up"
He said picking me up bridal style

He wiped the tears from my eyes and took me upstairs

"Where are we going?"
I asked coyly

"Bed, you need your rest love"
He whispered placing me down on the bed
"You should sleep now, I'll lay with you"

"Your so kind, I love you paulie"
I whispered half asleep

"I love you too Y/N"
He whispered, kissing my cheek gently and settling beside me

"Rest now darling"
He said cuddling me from behind

We were dozing off together, I was wrapped in Paul's arms and could feel his soft yawns on my neck.

"Goodnight love"
Paul whispered turning of the bed side lamp then returning to the warm embrace

"Nu-night paulie"
I whispered back

After that short conversation, we drifted of to sleep holding each other tightly.

Well, that was short and sweet! The next one will be longer I promise, the long awaited Ringo smut is coming next I swear. Hope you enjoyed, keep reading my story ;)
Peace and love ✌🏻❤️☮️🍄🦋✨🔮🌸🥦🌼☀️🐸

rock and roll stars one shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें