The diary (rolling stones + the beatles)

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This is an idea I've had for a while now so I'm finally going to write it down!
You work for the Beatles as sort of a secretary, they invite there friends the Rolling Stones over for drinks but they find something very personal. Your diary
(1960s ish)

"I can't believe you brought me along!"
My friend practically shouted

"Calm down Mo"
I giggled

"I'm sorry it's just not everyday you meet the best bands on the whole world!"
She said but this time she was shouting

"Ok ok, calm down! And hurry up these bags are killing me"
I whined

The boys requested I went shopping for them since they needed supplies for the "get together" with the stones

"Here let me help you with that!"
No suggested

"Oh thank god, these bags are killing me"
I sighed handing her half of them

"How far are we from the house?"
She huffed

"Not far just up and to the left"
I reassured her

"Am I definitely allowed to come?"
Her tone sounded concerned

"Yes, in fact it was Ringo's idea"
I winked at her

"Oh stop!"
She blushed
"Brian will be there too!"

She'd always had a thing for Ringo and he liked her, I was determined to get them together. I really liked Brian but was to scared to do anything about it so I batted away her remark

"Are you nervous?"
She asked as we turned left

"Yeah, My legs are like jelly!"
I said letting out an anxious giggle
"I've never met the stones before"

"You'll be fine!, we'll have some drinks play games and then hopefully get lucky"
She looked at me then giggled

"Oh behave!"
I said dramatically

"Oh gosh"
I said

"What's wrong?"
She asked as we stopped at the door

"We're here"
I whimpered

"I'll open the door!"
Mo squealed

Mo opened the door and my stomach was suddenly filled with butterflies

We entered the house, locked the door and headed for the kitchen

"Just put the bags down there"
I placed them near the fridge

"I'm so exited, can you hear them?"
She asked as we both stood still in silence trying to listen

"I hear laughing"
She whispered

"Let's go find them"
I whispered
"Be quiet though"

We crept up the stairs remaining silent And headed down the halls

"Who's room are they in?"
She whispered

I tip-toed to John and Paul's rooms
No one

"I'm not sure, I'll check the other twos rooms"
I was so confused usually they all congregate in johns room

Mo checked Ringo and George's rooms

"There's no one in there"
She whispered

"This means there-"
Then it hit me
"Oh no"

"What is it?"
Mo asked

"There in my room!"
I whisper yelled

She whisper yelled back

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