Savior (George)

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You have a terrible boyfriend (frank) and are throwing a party to celebrate his promotion but an unsuspecting shy lad makes the party that much better
Also it's 1962 George

"Darling, where are the nice glasses?"
I asked sweetly to my boyfriend as he was slumped in front of the TV with a beer

"The fuck would I know, you find them"
He spat, now standing up to face me.

I felt myself tremble as he stood over me

"Your useless"
He scoffs pushing me to the wall

"I'm sorry darling, I'll go back to the kitchen and find them myself"
I whimper out flinching every time he moved his hand

"Good girl"
He laughed at my fear as he pointed to the door

"Now go"
He ordered as I scurried of into the kitchen.

I Found the nice crystal glasses eventually after a while of looking but they were the least of my problems now I still had to make all the food and set the table up all on my own.

I was working swiftly trying to avoid going back into the living room to set the table for our guests but reluctantly entered. As I put the bowls and trays on the table I felt a hand start to go up my dress,

I shuddered at the feeling but then frank got up and spun me round shoving his tongue down my throat, I pushed him off stepping back wiping my lips

I panicked and said
"Frank we can't right now, your guests will be here soo-"

I suddenly felt a harsh slap across my left cheek

"Fucking fridged"
He complained

But I just stood there holding my left in my hand trying to hold back tears still in shock of what my boyfriend had just done.

Or should I say done again

When I finally felt like I could move again I headed back to the kitchen and finished cooking the food and got the champagne out of the fridge but then realised I had to go back to the living room to finish setting the table.

"Oh god"
I whispered under my breath to myself but held all the food and entered the room.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw he was no long sitting the in living room. He must've gone upstairs to get ready I thought as I walked to the kitchen to get the glasses and champagne to complete the table set-up.

The guests will be here in 5 minutes

———time skip 5 minutes———

The doorbell rung and I sprung out of my chair to open it until frank came down the stairs and stopped me, putting his arm across my chest mimicking a seatbelt

"Just stand there and look pretty, think you can manage that?"

I sighed and painted on a smile
"Yes darling"

He released his hand and opened the door and our friends flocked in giving us hugs and kisses and congratulating us on there way in

My friends Mindy was here and I was delighted to see her maybe I could talk to her later about frank she was always so loyal

———time skip———

By 9:30 the party was in full swing and couldn't have felt more out of place so I headed to the kitchen to try to be alone and get a drink,

I was looking down and humming to myself not really looking where I was going and before I knew it I hit something

"Oi!, watch I-"

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