Feeling sick (George)

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1964 (help looking George) enjoy!

I woke up to my boyfriend George's beautiful eyes locked on mine I was so lucky to have him in my life, but I felt sick and didn't want to be a drag on him so I painted on a smile and we got up to start the day.

"Morning love" he said sweetly, still sounding half asleep and approaching me with open arms to gift me his warm embrace

"Morning" I groaned, putting my arms around George's waist and resting my head on his shoulder.

He moved his head to face me and smiled, I smiled and look deeply into his mysterious eyes. He made me feel so special.

He leant in and kissed my forehead, he paused

"You feeling alright?, your very hot"

I panicked slightly, I didn't want him to know I was sick, it would ruin his day.

"I'm fine love, just flushed" I lied trying not to let him see through them.

"Tell me another one!" He exclaimed,
"Your sick I can tell, don't be modest or lie. I know you!"

"I'm ok, just a little ropey" I tried to make him feel better

"Im fine, now let's get you dressed you're recording today!" I said trying to sound chipper

"No I'm not!" He said picking me up in his arms and taking me down the stairs.

"What do you mean no? And why are you carrying me I'm fine" I said confused

"Stop with that, I'll call the boys and tell them we'll do it tomorrow"

"Don't cancel on my behalf!" I said feeling guilty and looking deeply into his eyes

"I insist, I want to take care of my girl"

My girl, whenever he called me that I would melt

He laid me down on the couch and pulled a blanket over me

"Don't move" he said cutely making the gestures with his hands

I laid on the sofa hearing the brief and polite phone call George had with his band mates explaining why he couldn't make practice and I heard him cluttering around and humming tunes to himself in the background. I rolled over to face the tv and reached for the remote.

George came over and passed it to me kindly

"Your too good to me"

I said looking lustfully into his eyes

"Hush now"

He said placing a bowl of soup and a spoon on the table; he gently stroked my hair behind my ears and make himself comfortable around my legs on the edge of the sofa and picking up the bowl of soup and spoon he started to feed me like a baby.

"I have arms for a reason love"  I joked

George chuckled

"Shhh, I want to take care of you, don't make me change my mind"

We laughed together until he'd finished feeding me and we cuddled up on the sofa together and fell asleep in each other's arms

"I love you George"

"I love you to Y/N"

Awhhh cute dw, smuts a' coming loves ;)

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