Mikey Meets Shadow Gerard

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Mikey was comfortable, lying on his bed reading comic books. He'd always enjoyed doing that and with more and more titles and new adventures being written every day, he knew the likelihood of him ever running out were very slim. Even his own brother was a talented artist who he believed wholeheartedly would have his own work in print one day, hopefully soon. He glanced at his watch, it was late, perhaps he should call to ask how the interview had gone? He knew it was that afternoon but was uncertain of the exact time. Whatever time it had been, it would definitely be over by now. As he pushed himself up, the doorbell rang - three times. Whoever it was, they were impatient and Mikey was already angry and he hadn't even left his room yet. As he walked, almost marched, to the door, the doorbell rang another four times.

"Whoever the hell this is, he's getting a punch in the face!" Mikey muttered angrily to himself.

"Come on Mikeyway!" A voice he recognised called from outside the door, as he rang the bell twice more.

"Stop ringing the fucking bell!" He shouted in return.

Reaching the door, Mikey opened it to see Gerard standing on the step grinning at him with an almost wild, overexcited look in his eyes. His finger hovered over the doorbell and as Mikey stared at him, his expression demanding an explanation. With a mischievous grin, Gerard pressed the bell once more, adding a wink for good measure.

"You look happy," Mikey observed letting the over-pressing of the bell slide in the hope of good news. "The interview went well then?"

"Interview?" Gerard blinked in reply. "Oh, no, terrible," he shook his head. "He's pathetic. He couldn't get a job if you owned the company!"

"He?" Mikey frowned. "Who are you talking about?"

Gerard paused for a minute as he took in the words. Of course, yes. He was not normally the one to speak. This was the first time they had been two separate entities and, as yet, Mikey was unaware. He could have some fun with this.

The man standing at the door, staring excitedly at Mikey was Gerard's shadow come to life. Having been accidentally separated from Gerard by his Fairy Godfather, and unused to referring to himself as Gerard.

He shrugged; the slip was irrelevant and Shadow Gerard was determined to enjoy his freedom. He had long planned to have a good time, to live the life his, for want of a better term, 'real self' would never have. In fact the more he thought about it, his confident, brash and even somewhat obnoxious self was far better suited to this life than the meek, pathetic nobody he had left behind. He was going to enjoy himself, and then, he grinned as he pushed the now objecting Mikey into the house, he was going to find a way to get rid of that meddling fairy and establish himself as the real Gerard, absorbing the other for his shadow. And it was all going to start here!

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Mikey snapped as he regained his balance.

"Get ready, Mikes, we're going out," he instructed, closing the door behind them.

"Ah, I don't fancy it, Gee. I was just getting settled and reading Batman Gothic and I..."

"We're going out!" Shadow Gee insisted.

Mikey sighed, relenting. It was good to see Gerard enthusiastic about something, even if it did seem over-the-top.

"Okay," Mikey shrugged. "Where?"

"To that new club downtown. Revolution or something."

"Revolver," Mikey corrected. "What do you want to go there for?"

"Mikeyway, go get your... whatever it is you wear to impress the ladies on and let's go!"

"Impress the ladies?" Mikey raised an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2023 ⏰

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