Shadow of a Doubt

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"Okay," Gerard took a deep breath. "I trust you. So what's all this merging with my shadow thing all about?"

"Well, your shadow is supposed to be for all your darkest thoughts, your depression, anger, hatred, envy, you know, all the negative stuff. That's why it's so dark. Have you never wondered why a shadow is dark? Or how sometimes some shadows seem lighter than others, or sometimes you have two shadows?"

"Umm, no, not really," Gerard replied, but now he was. "I just thought it was because the light wasn't hitting the ground."

Frank frowned; why did humans always think that? He had read about this in his case studies at college and he had found it hard to believe that they were genuine, but here was his very first human and he was saying exactly that.

"I have to ask," Frank began. "Do all humans think that?"

"Yeah," Gerard replied, as if the idea was ridiculous.

Frank grinned, surprised at the idea. "Well, cover me with sparkles! I had no idea."

"Okay, so, if shadows aren't just blocked light, how come objects have them too? Like buildings, or... this bench?"

Frank stared at Gerard with a deeply puzzled expression.

"I just told you," he replied, wondering if he needed to explain it again.

"You're telling me this bench has feelings?"

Frank's eyes opened wide; humans really didn't understand these things.

"Yes," Frank replied with a gentle smile. "Everything has feelings, Gerard. Have you not heard of Sick Building Syndrome? Or what you call haunted houses? They're not haunted, they're just angry."

"Angry houses?"

Frank took a deep breath; did this really need to be explained?

"Do you question everything?" Frank asked with a sigh.

"Of course, I do, don't you?" Gerard retorted.

"I don't question facts," Frank fluttered up to his face and tapped his nose and chuckled. "These are as plain as this! Okay, look at your shadow, Gerard, don't you see that it's much lighter than the bench's shadow?"

Gerard looked down and raised his eyebrows as he noticed for the first time that his shadow was much lighter than the shadows around him.


Gerard looked up at the tiny fairy, it was as if he was finally ready to believe him. Frank grinned widely and clapped his hands in excitement. He knew that things had just reached a turning point. But now was not the time to be interrupted.

"Hey!" A voice called in a low gravelly tone.

Frank turned and sighed in frustration as a gang of four men headed through the park gates as dusk fell. Really? Was he ever going to get anything done?

"You're in the wrong place," the lead man sneered at Gerard.

"Do you have a death wish?" Said another.

"Because, we can oblige," laughed another.

Gerard looked up as the lead man drew a knife from a pocket and brandished it menacingly.

"Well?" The man added with a smirk. "You can try to run if you like. We'll give you a chance...maybe."

"I told you this park was dangerous!" Gerard stared at the fairy, trying to keep his voice low, but the men were already too close.

"Who are you talking to, fairy?"

Gerard rolled his eyes at the irony.

"Frankie," Gerard whispered. "Can you help me, please?"

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