The Beginning Of An End

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Things have changed for me. This tike last year I was sick. This time last year i was full of misery and loneliness. I've come a long way from then.

Growing up is something we all wish for. We wanna be able to be independent. Some of us can't wait to work. Others look forward to starting a family. Maybe the future holds a wedding, a dream house. Who knows what the future holds.
Growing up happens so fast. Sometimes you don't realise you grown up until its already happened. The world  an be a scary place. Full of poverty, suffering and despair.

The one thing that keeps us all going as we navigate our way through this big wide world is the feeling of hope. The hope one day things will be better. One day things will change for the better. Maybe one day our dreams will come true.

Personally, I like to remember where I began. I started of as a girl to scared to speak her mind. A child full of fire and ready strike when needed. I started of feeling alone and betrayed.
Now I look to where I am. I'm the same girl, but now a woman. I've got good friends. Friends who have saved me from destruction. Maybe they'll go, maybe they'll stay. I've learned to stand my ground, to believe in myself. I've learned so much, come so far, that I know that I'm ready to face the future.

It may be scary but I know that I can survive. This life is my destiny. I wlhave a.purpose, not that I know exactly what it is yet, but that's ok. What's life without a little Mystery?

Authors note
Hey guys!
This is the end. I have loved writing this story. I'm sorry if this ending seemed rushed. It felt right to me to end it here. I hope this chapter is one you enjoy.
I hope to write more stories soon. Let me know if there's anything you'd like to see me write.
Thankyou to all those who have supported this story. I will be forever grateful.
Bye for now♡

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