Questions and Answers

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Standing outside the little cafe, I questioned my every decision.
Was this the right thing to do? What do I say? What do we talk about? Was this a good idea?
Question after question pulsed through my head. I tried to look as if I was calm and collected, but on the inside, it was a panic zone.

We met at a cafe in town known for the best cakes and cookies. Usually I go there for my birthday.
Esme and me had spent a bit of time here in the past. Fond memories ghosted the buzzing cafe.

She was late. No surprises there. Other than that it was alright. I felt like I waffled on about cassia, Saffron and Anala a bit. In my defense they are literally the only people keeping my social life afloat, even if saffron lives a bit further away, we still see her a lot. She talked about parties and boys, I talked about school and friends.
When she sked if I have a crush or a boyfriend I said no. How I managed to get away with that without her noticing I don't know.

We've both grown up in the last couple of months. If I'm being honest the time we spent together has probably been the best our friendship has been in months. Even with this underlying unease, we still made it work.

Neither of us mentioned Mia. Neither of us mentioned the arguments. Neither of us talked about prom.

Some things were best left unspoken.
We had a good time. It felt peaceful.
I knew I made the right choice.

What happens now I don't know, but if this is the end, at least it didn't turn out so bad.

Authors note
Hi everyone!
I hope your all still enjoying this story.
Let me know what you guys think!
Bye for now♡

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