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The sun had set hours ago. Sleep had long since left the agenda of this night, especially when first thing tomorrow I will be dragging myself back to school to collect my results.

What ifs filled my head. Would I pass maths? Did I do enough to get that A in English?
All would be revealed in mere hours to come.

Midnight came, and I still was lying awake in my bed.
My heart thumped heavily in my throat. Choking me.
The suspense was killing me.

Finally, sleep must have found me, as the next thing I remember is waking up at 7am, ready to go and get the results.

Putting on my new red dress, some light make up and plaiting my hair. I grabbed some breakfast, brushed my teeth and left for my walk to school.

My last ever walk to school.
Never would I be going past that derelict house by the woods, or past the park and field that we used to go to after school in year 7. No longer was this going to be my route to school.

No matter how much I hated school there was still aspects of it that I was going to miss.
Never did I get lost here. The building was two floors and one big long line which was super helpful when we first started; Little lost kids were a rare sight. We were nervous yes, but never lost.
Our school constantly gave speeches of belonging; we would just roll our eyes at them. It was apart of the foundation this building was made on.
I didn't really get it, not until now...

My best and worst memories have been made here. I've cried, laughed, smiled, argued and so much more in this building.
The little girl who walked through those gates would never have imagined the obstacles they were about to face. Even though some of them were the hardest I've ever fought, I know that I wouldn't change it for the world. Crazy, I know, but it's true. If I had never met these people, for better or for worse, then I would never have become who i am today.

Primary school taught me what I didn't want to become.
Secondary school is where I found who I wanted to be.
Finding myself is an unknown adventure, however, walking through these metal gates today, I remember that no matter what the next adventure brings, I will come out wiser, stronger and better.

Authors note
Hi everyone!
I hope you like this chapter. I really tried to make this make sense but I'm not sure on it.
Thankyou for voting and commenting! I appreciate all of you who read this story and shown your support. It means a lot♡
Bye for now

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