Old And New

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The ending is near.
With prom on the horizon, we are about reach an end of an era.

Yet, hasn't it all just begun?

I've made the bestest of new friends this year.
Cassia, who was the first to know something was up when things went south with Mia and Esme; Anala, who i have just clicked with; and Saffron, a friend who i may not have always understood but now, I will always stay by her side. Regardless of what life will throw at us all.

I still have Katrina, Elle, Prisha and Wren.
Maybe things didn't go to plan, then, when does it?
But, never have I felt so at peace, then I have these last few weeks. No longer do I have to hide, or be the 'mature one', I don't have to worry about seeing other friends or keeping myself free for someone else.

Life is a roller coaster. A rollercoaster in which you can never prepare for, no matter how hard you try. Most of us are constantly stumbling through life. Lost.
Peace does not last long in life, but if I have learnt anything through high school, it's that you can go through anything as long as you have good friends and family that will be there to catch you when you fall.

This blur of old and new does not have to be cleared. Not yet. We can still spend time together, speak to each other, support each other. In this day and age we can use our phones, laptops and who knows what else to make sure we are always there for the ones we love.

As one door opens, another may close.
Opportunities are endless, it won't get easier for us now that we have entered the real world, however, we can still have fun.

Authors note
Hey everyone!
I hope your week has been going well.
Thankyou so much for a ll the support this story has gotten recently! I'm so grateful to each and every one of you who have read this story.
Let me know if there's anything you are wanting to see in woes of a teenager .
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Woes Of A Teenager Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora