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{1217 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅𝒔}

HEY YOU, YES YOU ABSOLUTE GOD/GODDESS/THE NON-BINARY VERSION OF THOSE TWO OF A PERSON. Thank you for reading this rewrite and (hopefully) enjoying it. Okay enjoy reading my loves. Mwah mwah. Kith kith.
╚═══*.·:·.☽✧        .·:·.*═══╝

Ophelia walked back in and went the rest of the day with her customer service smile on. Not the real one. Once it was over she cleaned up, did some paperwork for ingredient orders, and closed up. She headed home. She couldn't see anyone at that moment she was still upset and if she talked to someone her anger would project onto them and she didn't want that. Once she collapsed onto her couch honey jumped up with her and laid on her stomach. "You'd never do me wrong, would you?" Honey just rested her head on her chest. "No you wouldn't." Ophelia laid there for a while just staring at the ceiling. Luckily she only opened the bakery Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, plus the occasional Saturday, so she wouldn't have to get up early tomorrow. Her eyelids started to get heavy when her phone rang. "Hello?" She picked up.

"Hey, Larry told me what happened. I'm sorry, but on the plus side it was a successful first day." He said trying to cheer her up.

"But I wasn't successful because of who I am but because of who I know. That's not what I wanted." She said starting to tear up. "I don't want people to think I'm only using you for your success. I don't want you thinking I'm using you for your successes. I'm not. I'm dating you because I love you not because of what you do."

"Open the door." He said and she looked at her phone confused. She placed honey on one of the cushions before standing up and opening her front door to see her loving boyfriend. She hugged him and he obviously returned it. "None of us think you use us for success. I know you don't use me for success. You've proven that you would never do that to me and I trust that you wouldn't." He said before they went over the the couch. They sat on down and Ophelia stared at her phone.

"I feel like a jerk."


"All Larry wanted to do was help. And I know it was in good intentions, but I yelled at him. I yelled at him for helping." She said turning to him.

"You're not wrong, but you did tell him why you didn't want him to tweet about the bakery. He crossed a boundary you set. You have a right to be upset."

"I'm gonna call and apologize." She said picking up the phone and walking to a different room. She called Larry and he picked up. "Let me talk first, please. I'm sorry. I know what you did was in good intentions and I shouldn't have been mean to you about it. I just wish this wasn't how my bakery got attention."

"No, you have every right to be upset. I did it with good intentions but it was out of line. I know I shouldn't have tweeted that and I'm very sorry."

"I'll forgive you and you forgive me?"

"I forgive you."

"I forgive you too. I'm gonna go, I'm tired from today and I need sleep."

"Same here. Bye Lia."

"Bye Larry."

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Do you think honey sees me as her dad?" Tanner asked from the couch as Ophelia was trying a new flavor for one of the foods at her bakery.

"What?" She asked giggling at the random question.

"I mean, I'm always here. And I'm like the only guy who comes over. So she has to see me as her like dad right." He explained standing in and walking to the kitchen, honey hot on his trail. "See! She even follows me around."

"Mhm. I'm sure she does. Here taste this." Ophelia turned around shoving the spoon in his mouth. Once she pulled it out he nodded acting like it was the best thing he ever tasted. "So?"

"What is it?" He asked as she placed the dirty spoon in the sink.

"It's supposed to be vanilla and citrus."

"Needs a bit more vanilla." He said and she nodded going back to work.

"Let's go do something." He nudged her.

"Let me finish this and we can." She told him as she tried the flavor again, something was off she just couldn't figure out what it was, and it wasn't the lack of vanilla.

"Nope. You've been trying to figure this out for two days. You need a break." He said as he turned off all the nobs on the stove and then threw her over his shoulder. He walked her to her room as she thrashed around trying to get down. He placed her on her bed and looked up at her. "You change, I'll clean. Nick invited us to do a couple videos. You're going. end of discussion." He said leaning up to kiss her before heading out of her room to clean the kitchen. She stood there stunned for a second before laughing at him and getting off her bed to change.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"State yo name and business." Nick said holding the camera up to Ophelia.

"My name Ophelia, I'm dating him." She said pointing to Tanner.

"Anyway we're gonna go play soccer with the giant bubbles and we're gonna have a fun time. We're gonna hope no body gets hurt." Nick said standing next to Tanner. Ophelia snuck up behind him and smacked his ass just like she did in Japan, causing Tanner to yell like a cartoon character.

Soon they had finally got in the car and headed to the rented out soccer field. They got out the bubble balls and began to inflate them while making football jokes. Tanner found a soccer ball and played against himself, he missed every goal. Soon Isaac and Blake joined the four at the soccer field.

They got the two out of the four blown up because blowing up the bubbles took forever. Blake got stuck in a bubble ball at some point so they had to help him out of it. They decided to make the two taller boys of the group the people in the bubbles while Tanner and Larry were just playing regularly. Ophelia was a commentator and nick filmed.

"I'm like in the iron lung." Tanner joked once they finally got a third bubble blown up. Tanner got turned upside down and stuck, Isaac and Larry switched so that Isaac wasn't in the bubble. Ophelia decided just to watch for the day, she wasn't feeling up to participating.

They finally decided to do three v one since everyone sucked at one v one. So everyone in the bubbles were against Isaac. Isaac won.




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I'm BigT. Honeys daddy.

Tanner I love you, but why?
Aww I love you too <3

I'm so confused
What's there to be confused about
it's all in the caption

Mom come pick me up I'm scared
Ask if she can take me home too

How do you explain to someone that this is your comfort streamer
Let me know if you figure it out

𝑰'𝒎 𝑺𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒆 (𝑩𝒊𝒈𝑻)Where stories live. Discover now