Five Times Kurt Wore Finn's Letterman Jacket ~ Kurtbastian (Glee)

Start from the beginning

Slouching in his chair, he tugged the still oversized letterman jacket tightly around himself. After what felt like a long-winded battle, the jacket was back in his possession. Besides the times he's showering or changing, he hasn't been able to take it off since getting it back. It's become an essential part of every outfit.

He stared out the window and focused on the people passing in an attempt to stay grounded. He tried to imagine the strangers' lives as they quickly walked by. He was more lost in his thoughts than he initially thought considering how much someone else's presence startled him, "This is going to become a pattern soon, Hummel."

He looked at Sebastian standing on the opposite side of the table with a small smile. It had been months since he last saw the younger boy. He didn't know he was in New York.

"Hey," he managed to get out.

Concern flooded Sebastian's face, and he sat in the chair beside him. "What's wrong?"

Kurt shrugged. He knew exactly what was wrong but wasn't sure if he could voice it without breaking down.

Sebastian sat quietly and seemed to analyze Kurt, trying to figure out what was going on.

"Finn is dead," Kurt whispered.

"That's your brother?" Kurt nodded. "Shit, Kurt. I'm so sorry."

Kurt nodded again in acknowledgement, not exactly up to talking much. He didn't want to start crying in public.

Sebastian sensed that and asked, "Do you live alone?" expecting a non-verbal answer.

Kurt hesitated before nodding, a small frown appearing. He still shared the apartment with Rachel, but she's not around at the moment.

"Would you want to come to my place? You could stay for a just few hours or even some days. I just don't think being alone would be doing you any good," he explained.

'Yeah," Kurt agreed. "I think you're right."

So they stopped by Kurt's apartment to get some essentials before heading to Sebastian's place. He didn't quite know if he was completely comfortable around Sebastian, but he was too caught up in the idea of having someone around to keep him company. And Kurt reasoned that since his apology, Sebastian never gave him a reason not to trust him, so he took a chance.

Kurt glanced at the younger boy on their way to Sebastian's home. He seemed perfectly relaxed taking the subway to his apartment. Maybe it was his contentment or maybe Kurt just wanted some sort of physical comfort. Whatever the reasoning, Kurt rested his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

Sebastian said nothing, but he looked at Kurt. Due to the placement of his head and the fact that he closed his eyes, Kurt missed Sebastian's fond smile reserved solely for Kurt at that moment.


"Hey, Bas," Kurt greeted him as he opened the door to his shared apartment.

"What's the occasion?" Sebastian asked as he stepped inside, immediately noticing the letterman jacket. Kurt tilted his head in confusion. "The jacket. You tend to wear it when you're feeling sentimental."

Since the time Kurt stayed with Sebastian at his place for a few days, they had become close and spent more and more time together.

They frequently went out together, and one day, Sebastian finally got the nerve to ask Kurt on a date. He said yes without hesitation. And by the end of the night, Kurt had asked Sebastian to be his boyfriend. They've been dating ever since.

Kurt got Rachel to leave the apartment for a few hours so he and Sebastian could have their date night at home for once. As much as Kurt enjoyed going out, especially with Sebastian, he could be a homebody at times. This was one of those times. He suggested getting take-out from a local Chinese restaurant and watching movies on the couch.

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