Chapter 04 (Edited)

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December is approaching, and suddenly I remembered something very important, Harry will receive the invisibility cloak, one of the relics of death, this would be a chance to get an ability. So far I only have shadow abilities, but none related to death, it's not like you find death-related stuff everywhere. Lately, I've been thinking about how to get death-related skills, and I came up with some ideas.

1 - Death relics, which are the invisibility cloak, resurrection stone, and elder wand.

2 - Dementors, I'll have to wait until third grade to get close to one.

3 - Thestral, I know there are some at Hogwarts, but I can't see them even if I kill dozens of mice, so I have to witness someone's death to see them.

4 - Inferi, I don't know where to find them, I just remember there were a lot of them when Harry went along with Dumbledore to retrieve a Horrcrux.

That's all I can think of, but for now, I can only wait until they are within my reach and I can find them.


December, it's already all covered with snow, and it's hard for me to go out like this.

I can't get out of the castle until the snow melts, so I was wandering around the corridors, and on several occasions, I met with Professor McGonagall in her cat form, she seems to like to go out and relax in her cat form, since I had nothing to do I started to follow her, although the first few days she stayed away from me, now we get along a little better.

Sometimes we do parkour or chase each other, I didn't think it would be so much fun to play with another cat, even though she's not a cat.

And so the days went by quickly.


It's Christmas already, Hermione opened her presents half were books, but she seemed to like her presents.

I received a gift from Hermione. A cat collar, but not just any collar, it's magical.

Ebony has obtained a Magic Cat Collar.

Magic cat collar: Increases cold resistance and self-adjusting size.

Name: Ebony

Race: Nekomata - Extinct race.


▪︎ Hide in shadows.

▪︎ Night hunter.


▪︎ Magic cat collar.

My first piece of equipment looks like my previous collar didn't count as one because it had no effect, I wonder what else I could equip. But leaving that aside, I have other things to do.

If I remember correctly, Harry will go to the forbidden section and take the cloak with him.


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