Chapter 03 (Edited)

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Today Hermione is very excited to go to her new school and be able to make friends there, sorry for her because if I remember correctly there is a lot of discrimination against muggle-born, but obviously they are not told that, otherwise no muggle parents would send their children there.

Today we headed to the train station and of course, I am trapped. I don't see Harry or Ron, or another Weasley. Luckily Hermione decides to take me with her.

Today we head to the station soon the train is ready to depart we sit in an empty place and free myself from the cage.

Hours later after the trip started Hermione dresses up in her tunic because it's almost time to get there, but then a rather fat boy comes and asks if they've seen his frog to which Hermione answers no, but that she would help him find it. He introduced himself as Neville and thanked us for the help.

I realize that she helps him make friends, not just help anyone look for a frog on an entire train.

After having checked almost the whole train we arrive where two children meet whom I quickly recognize as Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. And how can I forget that rat, I wonder how much good it would do the world if I killed it right now, but I'd better leave it for now so as not to give it problems Hermione.

After she introduces herself and kindly repairs Harry's glasses we continue with the search.

After arriving at the end of the journey we still did not find the frog, so Neville is still grateful for the help.

Once we got close to the lake, they called us to get on the boats. I don't know.



Hermione was selected, and she went to her respective table with me in her arms.

It's good that some things don't change, except for those teachers who look younger than in the movies, even Dumbledore has less white hair and fewer wrinkles. So my theory is that wizards and witches live longer and at the same time look younger.

Everything went well until Harry Potter came and everyone was quiet. After a minute with the hat, the hat yelled Gryffindor. Hermione is excited to be in the same house as him.

Once the selection begins the banquet, there are so many meats, since I reincarnate as a cat I have a great fascination with meat, and she knows it, and she feeds me.

If you think that eating with a cat at the table is bad, many don't mind, rather they're more annoyed by Weasley putting everything he can into his mouth. I have much better table manners than him, and I am a cat.

Once finished we head to our rooms.

Apparently, all the rooms are for four people, but Hermione is the only one left without companions, this is getting sad because when she opened the door she was ready to introduce herself to her new roommates.

After tidying up her belongings she falls asleep, I think I'll stay with her tonight, so she doesn't feel lonely.


I take advantage of my free time to explore the castle while she goes to her classes, it is good to know the place where I will be in the coming years.

I met the cat Norris during my tour, so I greeted her.


And so begins our conversation.



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