Will you come home?

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Alma kept true to her word. Once the kids had turned 4, they had a lot more freedom to roam around. Usually they hung around one of their parents, Mariano, Valeria or even Felipe, but there was the occasional expedition down to the lake or out to the fields to play.

The little ones also went searching for their Abuelo. For weeks, they would venture out to the woods or the town, searching. They would ask around, showing off their clumsy attempts at drawing their beloved grandfather, seeing that they couldn't bring the one picture of him that sat in Casita's wall. Many of the pictures Alma ended up keeping; she thought of them to be adorable, and very much enjoyed the ones where both her and Pedro were present. Luisa had even redrawn their wedding photo, and Alma almost cried when she saw the attempts.

Alma never had the heart to tell them what really happened. She couldn't. They were far too young, and besides, they usually told them what happened at their ceremony. But for now, she would just let them look, though she knew they would never find him.

The kids liked to play in groups. It wasn't like them to be alone, at least not individually. Usually they had a sibling or cousins or two, if they weren't in their entire group of six.

This wasn't for no reason either. The kids were smart; despite only being four, they were well aware of how small they were compared to other kids. Though they didn't know why, it wasn't uncommon for bigger, relatively older kids to pick on them; especially Mirabel. Their Abuela always said that they should stand up for each other and to fight back if the situation called for it.

And this was one of those situations.

This was one of those times that they were in their little group of six. Today was Thursday, meaning all of the adults were on their work day, right before their break day. The kids understood that they would have to let their parents work and then play later, after lunch. The little ones were playing a ways away from Julieta's stand; still in her sights, but not too close so they weren't bothering her.

They had been tossing Mirabel's ball around, just playing catch. Luisa had attempted to throw it to Antonio, but put too much force behind it, causing it to fly past them.

"I'll get it!" Mirabel quickly ran off, chasing after the ball, the round toy rolling off towards the fruit stands.

She had just picked it up from behind a cart, and was about to walk back when she was dogged by a tall figure. Looking up, she saw a tall guy, he looked like he was 17 or 18.

"¡Oh, lo siento!" Mirabel said politely, moving to walk around the man. The man stepped in front of her. "Uh-"

"So what's it like being useless, Giftless?" The man said in a condescending manner.

Mirabel furrowed her brows. Useless? Giftless? She didn't think she was useless. She trued her best to help everyone. "I'm...not useless...And my ceremony isn't until next year." Mirabel frowned deeply. Why did that hurt her feelings so much? She wasn't useless...right?

"Yes you are. You aren't a real Madrigal. You won't get a gift. I already know." The man smiled as he watched Mirabel's eyes water.

"I'm...I'm not useless! You're just mean!" Mirabel shouted, trying her best to hide her tears and cracking voice.

"Stop crying, crybaby!" The man pushed Mirabel down, and landed on the ground with a thump, glasses flying off her face. "If you were a real Madrigal, you wouldn't cry, no wonder your family hates you!" He laughed.

Mirabel looked down at the ground, trying her best to hold in her tears. She was a real Madrigal! Her family loved her! She bit her lip, refusing to look up and prove the man right.

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