Casita Falls

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Cracks shot through Casita. On the ceiling, through the floor, the walls. Everywhere.

Everyone was shocked, but soon frantically were trying to leave. Mirabel went for the candle. A dresser was about to hit a very scared and confused Antonio, but luckily, Felíx barely caught him.

"We gotta get out here!" He yelled.

Isabela and Camilo shot after Mirabel, only for their powers to fizzle out. They fell to the ground. As Mirabel was about to grab the candle, she looked to see her tío Bruno in the grass by the trees.

"Good, he's out." She thought.

She grabbed the candle.

Dolores shoved Alma out of the way of falling debris, Casita rippling its tiles to push the matriarch out the collapsing threshold of the front door, Dolores left behind.

Julieta and Agustín were screaming for Mirabel to leave the candle, to get out. Casita rolled the floor, making them fly out the door after failed attempts to get back in and grab their children.

Pepa was already out, but called for Dolores and Camilo.

"Camilo? Dolores? Come out, hurry!" She screamed, cloud no longer above her as the magic faded out.

Felíx was about to run out the door when Casita tripped him, causing the 5 year old to tumble to the side, throwing Felíx out.

"Antonio!" He shouted, reaching for his youngest, only to be pushed back again.

All 6 of the Madrigal children were in the courtyard, Mirabel cradling the melted, almost blown out candle and an absolutely terrified Antonio. Dolores and Isabela clung to each other, Camilo huddled close as well. Luisa stood over them, in a protective stance.

"Casita, get them out!" Alma shouted, trying to get up and go back to the house. But her old age betrayed her. Her legs buckled at her sudden movement. She fell to her knees.

Casita started using the last of its power to throw the children back to their rooms. It rumbled its tiles and the floor, using arbitrary furniture to raise them to the upper level and push them into their rooms, the kids trying to claw their way out.

The children screamed in fear, what was Casita doing?

"Mamí!" Isabela, Antonio, and Dolores screamed at the top of their lungs.

Antonio was now bawling at this point, not being able to clutch onto the broken support beam anymore.

Isabela looked absolutely scared out of her mind, genuinely terrified.

Dolores was sobbing loudly, pleading for her parents, her tía and tíos, her abuela, to help her, anyone.

"Papí!" Camilo, Mirabel and Luisa yelled like their life depended on it --because it did-- as they tried their best to get out.

Camilo, no matter how hard he tried to stop it, to get out, kept getting dragged towards his room.

Mirabel hung onto the railing, but it was brittle and quickly falling apart.

Their screams resonated throughout the now falling house, it could be heard by all of the elder Madrigals.

Casita finally succeeded in dragging the children to their rooms, their cries for their parents being the last thing heard from them. 6 slams from doors rang, the house finally collapsing in on itself.

Casita was gone. The magic was gone.

But there was something worse. Far worse, something the adults couldn't have ever imagined would happen.

The kids.

The children.

Their children.

Their sobrinas and sobrinos.

Her nietas and nietos.







Isabela. Dolores. Luisa. Camilo. Mirabel. Antonio.



They were gone.

They. Were. Gone.

Silence. Something the Madrigal residence had not experienced in a long time.

The silence stayed.

Until two guttural, shrieking, inhumane screams ripped throughout the entire town. Screams that came from the soul, the sound was heart-breaking, distressing, saddening, unfortunate, tragic.

That day, the Madrigal elders lost something far more valuable than the miracle.

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