And then there was 6.

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Julieta stirred, eyes cracking open to see her room ceiling. She adjusted her position, turning to see her husband, the man snoring peacefully. She was about to touch his hair when she looked down and saw 3 babies in between them, sleepy just as peacefully. A wide smile grew on her face as she stretched her reach across them, her arm resting on their blankets. After sitting and just enjoying their company, she quietly called her husband's name.

"Agustín..." she whispered. The man was a relatively light sleeper, so he cracked his eyes open and saw the blur that was his wife. He smiled, happy to see her.

"Hola mi vida, ¿cómo estás?" he said quietly.

"Soy, buena," she said back. Agustín turned to his bedside and put on his glasses. When he saw the babies next to him, he broke into the same smile Julieta was wearing. He put his arm over them, so it overlapped with Julieta's.

"It wasn't a dream," he said, voice cracking a bit. "They're really back," he pulled himself closer, the 3 babies squashed between their parents, still sleeping.

"Yes, it's real," Julieta looked down at hija's, her face softening. "And we'll be able to love them even more than before. Both me, you, and the others." With her free hand, she grabbed Agustín's, looking at her daughters and husband lovingly. She would get ready in a minute. One more minute.

Pepa was sleeping peacefully, next to her husband, snoring quietly. She turned in her sleep, but when she settled down again, she was met with something weighing down in front of her and some kind of warmth. But it was a rather small weight, and it felt nothing like her husband. Opening her eyes slowly she looked across the bed and saw her husband. But when she looked down slightly, she was the 3 babies that had caused her to stir.

Pepa gasped in shock before scooting closer in delight as she touched each of her childrens' blankets. "Mi pequeños nubes," she said, staring at her babies in happiness. She shifted so that she was laying on her side, her head resting on a pillow. She looked up at her husband, who was still sound asleep. She reached over and poked his shoulder, to which he moved slightly. Chuckling, she kept poking his shoulder until he finally woke up.

"Mmmmm? Pepi, is that you?" he said in a tired voice, eyes still closed.

"Yes, it is," Pepa giggled.

"What's up?" he said, lying on his back, eyes still shut.

"Your niños want to say hi," That had gotten his attention. His eyes snapped open as she flipped to face his wife and children. Seeing his babies washed away all of his fatigue. He watched them sleep, their small chubby faces causing Fèlix to coo at them.

"Ay, I'm so relieved," he sighed, looking at the babies, then his wife. "I will admit, I am a bit scared but...I'm more than willing to do this again."

Pepa nodded in agreement. "Same here. Our little ones...I can't believe they went so long feeling the way they did. But now we can start again. Y'know. Make them feel happy."

The two bring themselves closer so that their babies are pressed together cheek to cheek, Pepa grinning wildly at their cuteness while Fèlix laughs.

Eventually, the 2 couples got up, although reluctantly, to get dressed. With each of the parents picking up their children, they left their rooms, meeting in the hallway near the stairs.

"Awwww, look at my adorable little sobrinas," Fèlix said, cooing while holding Camilo and Antonio. Julieta smiled, nodding in happiness.

"But look at Dolores, Camilo and Antonio, they're so chubby and cute," Agustín happily replied. Both fathers spent at least 5 minutes complementing each other's children, making it a competition. Pepa and Julieta just laughed and giggled with each other. Bruno came out of his room a bit after, confused at the two men complimenting the children. He walked up and stood next to his sisters, taking Mirabel from Julita while she held Isabela.

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