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It's been years since the last time
Wishing that we'll meet again, is that a crime?
I was walking down the lane
Listening to the rain
It's comforting
It's mending you from hurting


I like how the raindrops tumble
The thunder as it rumbles
The kids as they play in the puddles
And the noises of people as they mumble


In the middle of the crowd, I suddenly heard my name
I turned and I saw you, you still looked serene
Us meeting is fortuitous
Is this what they call fate?
Your energy is contagious
Seeing you was great


Let me take a breather
I can't breathe without you either
Without you, my life is a monochrome
You made my life full of colors


Damn, every time I look into your eyes
It is as beautiful as the skies
The golden color of the orbs
It is something that I love and adores


Your squinting eyes every time you smile
I can hear the whispers in my mind
I know I'll regret it in a while
This cycle feels like a bind
I really want to move on
But I can't help but be drawn


You came closer
I get afraid as you get nearer
We greeted each other
At last, we are together
You hugged me tight and tighter


Getting comfy with each other
My pulse is getting fast
I'm afraid you might hear
For every pump, your name is spoken
Like a damn curse, you broke my spell
A spell to stop these feelings
A spell to forget everything about you


You kept on smiling at me
I gulped
I'm trying myself but I can't guarantee
In a minute, I might be dumped


"I really feel comfortable with you"
That's what you said
"Me too", I said to make it through
Contrasting the scream in my heart


I'm aware
My intentions are different
But do I have to make it clear?
Is it bliss that you're ignorant?


I closed my eyes
How can I stop this lunacy?
Saying that I've moved on, that's a lie
End this credulity


I still like you and will always be that way\


Jilted Loveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن