My Solace

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I was all alone
Walking by the path
Kicking those small stones
Thinking about the past


My core
A forlorn place
Trying to find a door
Erase my existence without a trace


I ran like a race
All I can see is black
Can't even recognize a face
It's like I'm waiting for a nonexistent attack


This is making me insane
Angst seeping within me
My tears flow like never-ending rain
Blocked by darkness, I don't want to see


Yet a light blinded me
The door was left ajar
I tried to peek and see
And there you are


You are my solace
My home, my favorite place
You radiate my world of gloom
Like spring, you made my flowers bloom


You became a part of my world
Helping me pass through hurdles
But as the wind whirled
It made me realize we have different lives
And yours is made to thrive


Your smile heals up the scars
Your laugh softens my stone of a heart
Your eyes twinkle like the stars
Your existence wants me to restart


Restart my life
You give me purpose
To protect you, I'll catch all the bullets and knives
You made me want to propose
Can I be by your side forever?
Let me help you with all your endeavor


You're my safe haven
Oh god, I'm thankful for the heavens
For giving me a girl, a charming one
She shines like a sun
And like a sunflower,
I'll follow her
My light of life,
You gave me a reason to strife

My Solace

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