Au Revoir Émotionnel (22)

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Adelaine's POV

I am happy to say that we're prepping for another musical! Although I do feel sad about it. It's the last one that we're doing before graduation. The musical that we're doing is SIX. Me and Emma are the directors, and Ella and Hugh are the stage managers. Emma and the others are excited to work with me, it's refreshing to see enthusiasm like that. Emma's told me that she has looked up to me as a role model, even before she joined theatre. It was I who allowed disabled people into FHS theatre after long being opposed by the former president. All of the other departments in FHS have since been shaken by that decision, as we in theatre are the first who took this step toward diversity. Back to the musical, Ella is playing Catherine of Aragon, Emma is Anne Boleyn, Lily is Jane Seymour, Frances is Anna of Cleves, Carrie is Katherine Howard, and I am playing Catherine Parr. Tyler, Daniel, and Charles are in charge of the choreography since Jackson is away at college, having graduated last year. He is very skilled and is a fabulous dancer, he choreographed the Light Up The Sky Movie after all, so they have big shoes to fill. The boys are very excited to make up awesome dance moves, especially since they are months away from graduation. I was sitting in the auditorium, going over the rehearsal schedule when an announcement came over the intercom.

"Will Adelaine Jones please report to the principal's office?" The announcement was.

I stop talking mid-sentence, glancing up at the intercom in confusion. Miss Donaldson looks at me and gives me a nod to go ahead and go. I hop off of the stage and walk out of the auditorium, heading to the front office. I guess Principal Gwardieza needs something really important. I make my way to her office and give the secretary a wave before stepping inside her office. Principal Gwardieza smiles at me, which I return as I take a seat.

"Hello, Adelaine! It's so nice to see you! I brought you here to talk about something important, but first, I must say, I am very proud of you for all that you've accomplished here at Fairview High School and will be sad to see you go." Principal Gwardieza says.

"Thank you, Principal! I'm proud of all I've done but I am also really sad that I'm going to be leaving in a few months." I reply.

"I know that you will go to college in Switzerland, with a scholarship, and you will achieve so many great things there. You are our most successful theatre president too. The theatre department is the highest ranking of any other school in Grimsborough. You are inspiring." She continues.

"I'm proud of myself for helping those in need while I do all of that stuff. As long as I can affect other people and make them happy, that's all I really want!" I agree.

"That's a good motto to live by! But we should get on to discussing what I've called you in for. You see, at the end of the year, there's going to be a banquet. I was hoping to have a speech and performance by you. Also, there's a new title for you, 'Her Excellency Miss Adelaine Jones, Former President of the Theatre Department.' What do you think?" Principal Gwardieza informs.

My smile gets even bigger. "I would gladly say a speech and make up a performance of some kind for the banquet! I love the new title too, it suits me!"

"Ah, brilliant. I'll add it to the program. I'm excited to see what you will come up with for us, Adelaine! But that's all I needed from you, you may go back to practice now." She replies.

I smile at her and then leave. On my way back to the auditorium, I was greeted by some of the lower-class students, who waved at me and addressed me with my new title. It brings tears to my eyes. My final show is going to be great! I want to do good so I can bring good to the school. The final show is the easy part, however, I need to find someone to replace me as president of the FHS theatre department, my successor. I don't know who to choose.

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