"My kids, let's not do this right now. It's just us, the family. Here I am just a grandmother, or should I say soon to be a great grandmother." She chuckled, joyfully. And turned herself to Eun-Ji, who was still nervous under her loving gaze. 

"Eun-Ji, my dear! I called for this celebration to thank you for granting all of us this joy and to welcome you to the family. I can't thank you enough for giving a warm adobe to my future great grandchild and for helping us carry my lovely Jo's glimpse back in our lives. I will make sure you will be showered with love and care throughout this journey. But I would love to know more about you, only if you don't mind, of course…"

"Of course your majesty! I am sorry I am a nervous wreck but it's my first time meeting a royalty. Apart from the prince of course… but I mean he is not that intimidating, so I wasn't scared… oh my god, I don't mean to say you are scary though. It's just because you are old… I don't mean you are old, but I meant older… maybe i should just stop talking altogether. I am so so so sorry, your highness." Eun-Ji said, almost on the verge of crying.

But it just made the queen and the prince laugh out loud. 

"It's okay Eun, Grandma said you are family now. And she is really cool as a grandma. So don't sweat about it. Right gran?" The prince tried easing the tense girl while the rest of the members present were just smiling in awe, except Tae; he was just clueless on how to react.

"Of course. And it's okay Eun. I hope you don't mind me calling you that." To which the girl just nodded.

"So tell me about yourself. Also I have read a file prepared on your background, by my advisor here. But I would rather hear it from you." The queen asked.

"Yes, your majesty. I will introduce myself. So I am 21 years old. I study in a college attached to the same institute as Dr Kim; he is my idol by the way. I come from the same orphanage as his, and he always inspires me whenever I see how long he has come from there..." Her tone flattered at the end as she thought she shouldn't have mentioned Taehyung's past. But the prince gave her an assuring nod, so she continued. 

"So as I said, I was raised in an orphanage. I lost both my parents when I was 5. My grandma took care of me till I was 7…"

The queen gave the prince a sad smile, because just like Eun, both he and his twin had lost their parents early and were raised by his grandmother. Acknowledging this the prince responded with a tender nod. And Eun being oblivious to this continued to explain. 

"But then I lost her too. When they couldn't find anyone to foster me, I was shifted into the facility. I had seen Dr Kim there, seen his sufferings, seen him reaching for the skies. I wanted to be like him. Though I am not even half as intelligent as he is, I try to work hard. Hoping that one day, I can achieve something at least an ounce of what he has achieved. So when I saw a flyer on our notice board about him wanting a female subject for research, I applied immediately. I didn't know it was for surrogacy at that time. But when I fit into all the criteria and he told me the reason, I agreed. The thing is I needed the financial support anyway. I want to apply for a doctorate program soon, but the fellowship amount will only cover my educational expenses. For survival, I will still have to work a job throughout it. It won't allow me to focus on my thesis completely. But this way, I'll be able to cover up all my expenses in this one year gap and can give my 100% to my studies once I enrol. But then again, I didn't know it was a royal baby. I mean not that it makes any difference, I mean it does. But … I guess I should stop talking again. Thank you for your patience, my queen." She ended abruptly, thinking she already talked so much.

The queen chuckled at this nervous kid. And replied, "That's really wonderful my dear. I am glad you are the one who is carrying our little miracle into this world. You are honest, hardworking and a kind hearted person. And you don't need to worry about anything now. You are my responsibility now. Sir Park, where is this lovely girl residing for now?"

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