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Was I just imagining that right now or did Hardin actually just walk in here I just take a sip of my drink and hope Robert didn't notice "so..I didn't know he was in town"great he did notice "He is just here on work for the weekend going home Sunday"why did I just say all of that "oh..yous aren't still..."I can hear the disappointment in his voice

"Oh no no"I stop him "we are done"I tell him  "done for now and done for good"god why is he asking these questions "done for...I I don't know"I tell him honestly and it's the truth I don't know how long we are done for "Tessa look I really don't want to be getting involved in something"he tells me and I don't even bother explaining myself to him"I think I'm going to head home now"I tell him and he agrees and we walk outside and he helps me get a cab "Goodbye Tessa"He hugs me and I quickly get into the car.

How did the night turn into this I'm never going out again,first of all I was just having a drink with him because Nora left and I said I would stay for a little but now it doesn't look like that to Robert.

My head is spinning really bad I just want to be in bed and forgot tonight happened,I thank the driver as I get out and make my way into the apartment ,I open the door and see someone on the couch I panic for a minute and then I remember Hardin I try be as quiet as possible "Tessa"I turn around go face him "what do you want Hardin"

"Why wore you with him"he ask me not surprised "we wore only there as friends"I say to him and he scoffs "what's the problem with that"

"Because..are yous seeing each other  is that what is happening"

"Oh my god you are crazy"I laugh at him "we are broken up you shouldn't care what I do"

"Well I do and I don't want you going out with him"he starts to raise his voice "your in no position to tell me what I can do with my life Hardin" "well if your going to be going around sleeping with people and wearing dresses like that out to bars I can"Is he serious right now "sleeping with people what do you think I am me and Nora wore there the two of us and ran into Robert"

"What is he just a sad little loser who goes to bars on his own great choice Tessa"I can't believe him evening saying this right now "No he was there with his friends...you know I should t even have to tell you the way your acting is crazy seriously when will you ever grow up"I raise my voice back to him and he laughs "I don't need to grow up Tessa" "oh really you don't need to grow up look at how your acting right now"I tell him I walk to my room shouting the door so he won't follow me in.I actually can't believe him right now is he serious ,I need to change I kick my shoes of and change into a jumper and bottoms I walk back out because I need to go the bathroom and this is my apartment.

"Tessa"Hardin try's to call me I just shit the bathroom door.I wash the makeup of my face and tie back my hair I am just ready for bed "Tessa please"Hardin says as I walk back out "What Hardin what do you want to say do you want to insult me again, give out to me ,act like your in charge of me go on say it"he just stares at me I can see it in his eyes he has loads more to say to me "you know what Tessa"he takes a deep breath "you now what it doesn't even matter"he just turns back around I go back to my room locking the door and falling back onto my bed.

Don't cry don't cry don't cry I think to myself I'm so glad I didn't cry out there in front of Hardin because he would've made some sort of mean joke about it.


That girl stresses me out she can't blame me for acting the way I did if she knows me she would know how I will react seeing her with any male makes my blood boil I try keep my self calm this is why I like been in Chicago on my own with no one to annoy me I grab my coat and bag and leave I'm not staying in that apartment where the fuck even is there to go in this stupid city.I walk down the street I thought New York is the city that never sleeps it's very alseep to me right now.I pull out my phone and look for the nearest decent hotel I can stay in.

After about 5 calls I finally get a hotel I had to pay them for staying two nights because it's 3am but I don't care.I check in and go to my room I'll be staying here till Sunday and hopefully not have to come back to New York for a while.

My alarm wakes me up the next morning I only got about 2 hours sleep I was to annoyed last night to sleep a car is coming in 30 minutes to pick me up that reminds me I have to call my publicist and tell her to pick me up at this hotel not Landon and Tessa's apartment.

Outside :) :) she texts me and I make my way down "Hardin got you coffee"she hands me a cup I need this right now I just turn and look out the window "we need to discuss todays schedule...Hardin can you here me"

"Yes I here you"of course I can fucking here her she drinks about 5 cups of coffee before 9 o'clock and is like a hyper Chihuahua "someone sleep on the wrong side of the bed"

"Just tell me about today I'm not in the mood"I tell her and she starts flicking through notes on her computer I just sit there listening to her go on and on why does New York have so much traffic "book me a flight for tonight I'm not staying here any longer"I tell her I'm going home tonight...

Hey when people finish Reading can yous please like it or comment just so I know how the story is doing and if there is anything I should change or add :)

Hardin and Tessa The Missing year Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum