The Real Battle

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The black fog disappeared and revealed a large room with a wooden floor, books lined all over the walls and messy tables covered with papers and such. By one of the walls, there was a giant book with a golden pen with a large feather hovering over it, writing a story. I moved cautiously towards it, wanting to know what was written.

As I approached, I saw my name written several times.

"Manon made her way carefully over to the Storian, careful not to make too much noise. Who knows what lurks in the School Master's tower.."

Was it writing my story? I had my own fairytale? "Yes," a masculine voice asnwered as if it had read my mind. I turned around sharply, standing face to face with the School Master. He looked much younger than I had expected. I knew he was over one thousand years old, but he didn't look a day past sixteen. "It begun writing your story long before you even arrived." "School Master?" I asked, stirred. "Yes," he said, once again. "Did you.. take me here?" I asked. "You're here for a greater purpose than you think," he told as he got closer. I stepped down from the Storian, curious to know more.

"I want to know," I demanded gently. "Ever since my brother died, I have been searching for something to make me whole.. someone to make me whole," he begun. I already didn't like where this was going. "You are that someone." My eyes widened at his words. "Since you've been here, I've been watching you. Studying and admiring your every action," he confessed as he drew closer to me.

"Who do you think has been helping you reach Class Captain? Who do you think has been keeping you from failing?" he said.

"I've been looking for my True Love for decades, and now I've found that you are that True Love." I gasped, never felt this feeling before. Being wanted and needed so badly by anyone made my heart flutter. "If you share this True Love's Kiss with me, I will make you my Queen, I will make you powerful," he promised, closing in the space between us.

"Join me," he breathed a demand. I felt his warm breath on my lips and cold hands rest on my waist. Lured in by his promise for power, I wanted to accept, but.. "I can't," I breathed as I saw Hort sneak into the tower with a rope, holding his spiked bat. He pulled away. "What?" he asked, his face and voice now stern and harsh. "I'm already in love," I said as I met eyes with Hort. It was the first time I had even said it out loud. "And his name is Hort," I qued for Hort to strike the Master.

Hort swung his bat at the Master's head, but it was stopped in mid-action by him. "You didn't think I could sense that Neverboy boyfriend of yours sneaking in?" he asked sternly, turning to Hort, petrified. "Is this your little loverboy?" he spat mockingly. "How pathetic," he bitterly said, jaw clenched. "How about I kill him right now?" the Master suggested, caressing Hort's face hatefully. "Then, you have to be my Queen."

The School Master raised his dagger at Hort, aiming for his neck. I couldn't stand there anymore and just watch as my True Love was killed. My eyes turned lime green, my pupil stretched into that of a dragons's and my teeth sharpened until I had my mouth full of fangs. I let out a war cry before I leaped at him. I wrapped my legs around his torso, my arms wrapped around his throat. He screamed as I sunk my fangs into his neck. His flesh tasted of rot and decay. Distracted, he released the petrification spell he had cast on Hort, and he was set free.

Hort watched as the School Master created a wave of energy that tore me off his back. Dark blood ran waterfalls town the Master's neck and onto his clothing. With a swift roll, I got back up on my legs, my finger pointed at him, the green glow illuminating it. He scoffed.

"You think you can kill me?" he asked through another scoff. "You're just a Nevergirl." "It's not just me," I chuckled through a groan. The Master turned around, seeing Hort pointing his finger at him, just as I did. "Two weak Nevers are basically the same as one," he said through yet another scoff. "Do you really think you could defeat me?" he mocked. "Yes," I answered, moving closer to Hort. "And what makes you two so special?"

I took Hort's hand, looking deep into his eyes. I turned to the Master, seeing his worried look. "True Love," I said as we unleashed our fingerglows at the Master, his blue mixing with my green in a gorgeous shine. The Master groaned as he counterstiked us with his red fingerglow, our magic battling against eachother.

He grunted, and gained ground, his magic nearing us. "It's not strong enough!" Hort cried. "Kiss me!" I shouted. "What?" "Kiss me!" The School Master watched in horror as our lips met in a True Love's Kiss. "NO," he bellowed as our magic overpowered his, and defeated him. The moment our magic hit him, he fell to the ground in pain. "I will return! Mark my words!" he promised. "Remember my name! Rafa-" He exploded in a wave of black feathers. All he had worked for, gone. His life, gone. Silence filled the room.

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