The Welcoming

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The  Evers and Nevers sat lined and divided on the wooden bleachers in the Theatre of Tales. My new friends were sitting behind me on the second row. I had turned around to talk to them, which was kind of difficult over the sound of my fellow Nevers' loud conversating. Hester suddenly screamed and launched something at some random Neverboy. "Look Manon, your favourite person has arrived," Anadil joked as I turned to see the stinky boy sit next to me.

"Hi," he smiled. He had something brown at the edge of his mouth and his breath smelled like he had eaten a corpse. "What are you eating?" I gagged. "Oh, do you want some? It's nice and putrid!" he offered kindly, but I turned his offer down without a second thought.

In front of me, I saw all the pretty Evergirls calmly chatting with eachoter, sometimes giving the Nevers the ugly eye. One of them, with large curled hair and thin eyebrows caught my eye as I searched through them to find my one true enemy. Her smile was enchanting and her teeth was pearly white. She probably had some work done. "Daughter of Aurora," I muttered to myself, sticking my green eyes like daggers into her. "You don't like her?" Hort asked. My stare moved from her to him. "My mother is Maleficent, what do you think?" I snarled back, making him shut up. 

"Seems like Good has no boys though," I thought out loud. "Maybe I should ask to change schools." "Oh no, they're coming," Hort shot in. "Prepare to feel nauseous." "I already am." Just then, the Dean of Good got everyones attention with her starting line: "Welcome, Nevers and Evers to the School for Good and Evil!" "I am Clarissa Dovey, Dean of the School for Good!" she introduced herself as she stood wrapped in golden laced fabric. "Evers! Evers! Evers!" The Evergirls began chanting at the Nevers. "And I am Lady Lesso, Dean of the School for Evil," Lady Lesso introduced herself. Beside eachother, they looked like complete opposites. Both, great examples of Good and Evil. "Kill you! Kill you! Kill you!" the Nevers, along with myself, began chanting back. Eventually we all shut up.

Dovey started introducing this years schedule, including many times that she was so excited. "And now, the winners of last year's Circus of Talents will preform!" Dovey announced happily after her yappering. "I present to you all, the Everboys!" Just then 59 Everboys marched in with their swords at hand. They were all in sync, and I could tell that they had been practicing for a long while. They started to fence with eachother, putting their chivalry on display to swoon the Evergirls. Hort gagged and I sat frowning and taking back what I had said earlier about switching to Good.

"That's great boys, but.." a manly voice came from above. I looked around just to spot a boy standing higher up with a rope in his hands. "Let's put on a real fight," he said as he swung down from where he was standing. He swiftly glid along the floor as the Evergirls gasped and started fixing their hair. "Just because his father was King, he gets to have this big entrance," Hort complained as the Everboys started fighting against Tedros. "That's King Arthur's kid?" I asked as Hort looked up at me in confusion. "I expected more."

When this obviously fake and rehearsed swordfight was finished, the Everboys stood once again lined up with straight backs, and with a "M'lady!" in unison, they threw red roses at the girls they liked the best. Beatrix recived a whole boquet. King Arthur Jr was a little slow with his rose, for he was staring at something else. Me. My frown got even deeper as I gestured for him to throw his rose. He did, and it landed in Beatrix's lap. She squealed happily as she patted the seat next to her for Tedros to sit down on. He came to her like a trained puppy. I scoffed.

"Now that that's over with," Lady Lesso sighed, regretting wasting five minutes of her life on that weak preformance. "We wish you a happy schoolyear!" Dovey beamed like a ray of sunshine. "And remember, be as pure as you can! Pure good!" she cooed. "Or pure Evil!" Lesso smiled devilishly, her eyes meeting mine as she watched her Evil students.

What was the deal with the King's son, Tedros? Who did he think he was? And why in hell was he looking at me?

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