Latenight Date

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As the days passed, I had started to feel the unbearable urge of freeing my wings from within my body. I wanted them to burst out and let my fly. I wanted to be like my mother.

To do this, I tried to let myself 'feel', as Lesso had told me to. This resulted to me letting Hort take me on a.. date.

Suddenly, I saw someone approach behind me in the mirror. Her black hair shining weakly with grease. "Who are you so dolled-up for?" Hester joked as I applied the finishing touch of red lipstick. It was the middle of the night, and I thought all the girls were sleeping. "Hort," I mumbled. "Who?" her eyes widened. "I'm going on a.. date. With Hort," I admitted, almost gagging at the word 'date'. "With Hort?" she almost screamed, making the other girls turn in their beds.

"Be quiet!" I hissed in a whisper. "There is a reason I'm doing this at midnight." "Ooh, you don't want to get caught," Hester understood. "Where are you going on this date?" she asked. "I don't know. He said it'd be a surprise. I just have to meet him on our balcony," I told.

Then, there was a knock on the window. I moved my eyes to see a werewolf displaying all his teeth proudly at me. "That must be your date," Hester said. I hurried over to the blacony and opened the door. "Good evening," the werewolf's raspy voice greeted me. "Good.. evening-" I replied. "My name is Hort, and I'll be your escort tonight," he joked as he turned around, hairy back faced towards me. "Hop on."

With me on his back, Hort the werewolf climed Evil tower stone by stone, aimed for the top. "Hort, where are we going?" I nervously asked as I looked down at the ground far beneath us. "Don't worry, I've got you," he replied. Where did he get all this confidence from? And when did he learn how to stay a werewolf this long?

Finally we reached a flat surface hidden between a bunch of spires and roofs. No one could see us here. There were lit candles that circled around a blanket with holes in it. "Wow, this is.. beautiful," I thought out loud as I took Hort's hand and sat down on the blanket. It was soft and uneven with lumps of lint on it here and there. "I tried my best," Hort replied, his hand placed on top of mine.

From this view, you could see everything. From the crest moon and all the way down to the peaceful horizon. "These woods really are endless," I said.

I noticed Hort's head turned to me and I turned my head aswell to meet his.

"Why did you accept?" he asked. "What?" "To go on a date. With me." His sudden question caught be off guard. "Well, I don't know," I replied. "Lesso said I needed to learn how to feel, and you're.. really sweet," I admitted, watching him go red.

"I notice you've changed," he said. "Oh?" I asked. "You're.. softer. Not like you were when we first met," he explained. "How was I when we first met?" I asked, smiling. "Real tough," he chuckled. "The other Neverboys said I'd never manage to get to you." "I guess your tricks worked then," I smiled, diving deep into his eyes.

I noticed myself starting to lean into him, closer and closer, as he did the same. We suddenly stopped, only centimetres from eachother. I felt his warm breath on my lips, the urge to kiss him almost getting the best of me.

"You know villains aren't supposed to love, right?" I breathed. "Who said that?" he questioned in a whisper so low that I was sure not even the gargoyles could hear. I felt the tension between us build stronger and stronger by the second, but I knew I couldn't kiss him. I pulled away.

"So, how'd you even find this place?" I asked, changing the subject drastically. "Oh yeah," he coughed, getting the hint. "Well, I was just messing around one day.." he started to explain and tell the story of how he was just practicing werewolf things around Evil, and stumbled upon this striking place.

"I bet Good, doesn't have anything remotely close to this," I smiled, captured in his eyes once again. "I wonder what it was used for before I found it," Hort pondered. "Maybe it was a place for stargazing?" I suggested as I laid down on the tired blanket. "Good idea," Hort joined.

"How long have you been a werewolf?" I asked. "Well, coming from Bloodbrook and all, I'd say.. about my whole life," he told. "I just now begun to transform and unleash my true werewolf-potential," he laughed. "Lesso said I should practice it. That it's a gift." "Lesso has surprisingly good advice at hand," I chuckled.

"It was really cool," I said, rolling over to my side. "Really?" he asked. "Yeah, extremely."

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