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The 15th of December had finally rolled around, and with several days of training and preperation, I was finally facing the gates of the Blue Forest. Clothed in a black cape, like everyone else were, I was first in line of the Nevers. The Evers and Nevers would enter from different entrances supervised by different teachers.

The darkness in the air was dimly lit with the light of some torches carried by the wolves. Nine Nevers in a line behind me, each and every one of them prepared for the worst of villany they could. Tonight was the night. We were allowed to kill.

"Help from any outsiders is strictly forbidden and will end in a immideate disqualification," Yuba informed so loud that I was certain everyone in the line behind be could hear. "If you face danger and want to tap out, drop your red handkerchief to the ground. Remember the Evers have white ones," he went over the rules, everyone listening carefully. "Last one standing 'til dawn wins the Trial by Tale." And with that, I was sent into the Blue Forest.

Naked branches intimidatingly leaned over me, their ends looking sharper than I remembered. I decided to make my path to a tree further into the forest. There, I would place my lair and rest there until some unfortunate Ever decides to take a breather under it. The perfect waiting plan. Just like in the Moors.

Behind me, I heard Hester enter the forest. I stopped by a leafless bush, deciding that I should wait for her. I saw her dark figure approach from where I had entered.

"Team up?" she suggested, her black eyes slightly shining from the moonlight. "You know it," I smiled maliciously. "I can't wait to kill some Evers," she grinned, licking her teeth. "That's the spirit, Hester," I praised her as we made our way for the tree I had planned to stay in, more Evers and Nevers entering by the second.

We decided to hide behind a large boulder that was perfect for spying. Or so we thought.

Suddenly, I heard sneaky footsteps lurk up behind us, and it looked like Hester had heard them too. We turned around to see two Everboys with their shining swords at hand come up to us, definitly determined to eliminate us. "Looks like we're gonna have some fun," Hester grinned. "I won't be needing my demon," she underestimated the boys, making me snicker. "Bring it boys."

The two everboys, one blonde and one ginger, charged attack at us and we ran towards them as well. Hester's fingerglow burning red alongside mine, gleaming green. The blonde went for Hester, jabbing his sword at her, and her dodging it with ease. The ginger went for me with his sword ready to impale straight through me. I dodged him, just as Hester had done and at the same time, we pushed them from behind, making them fall to the ground. Their white handkierchiefs touched the ground and they disappeared with the blink of an eye.

"Good job." We high-fived in sweet victory. "That was much easier than I thought it would be," Hester sighed. A crack behind us. We turned quickly, but not quick enough. A third brunette boy lashed at Hester and grabbed her throat. She grunted as she tried to get loose from his grip.

I was on my way to aid her, but I was grabbed from behind by yet another muscular boy.

"Look what we have here," the brunette holding Hester said. "Two witches," he snickered, his charming voice stinging my ears. "How does it feel to be eliminated half an hour in the Trial?" the muscular one gripping my wrists asked mockingly. Hester and I stayed sourly silent.

The boys had to have planned this very well, yet.. they had made a mistake. Hester took the silent opportunity to bite the brunette boy's hand. He yelped in pain as he let go of her. The muscular one, didn't let me go though.

Hester laughed mockingly at the brunette. "You're getting rabies now, bitch," she snarled with a foul smile curled on her lips. "Worth it," he said as he revealed Hester's red handkierchief. Her eyes grew wide with terror as she turned to me, knowing she was doomed to be eliminated. "Win, Manon," she demanded. "Win." And with that, her handkiefchief was dropped, and she disappeared just like the two Everboys before her.

The boys took in the small victory for a moment before getting back on track. "One down, one to go," the brunette smiled. "Tie her to that tree," he commanded to muscular one. It seemed they had sorted out who was the master.

With me tied harshly to a tree, the brunette grinned as he stepped closer. The aching bite on his hand was covered with a part of his uniform he had torn off.

"Sorry your friend had to go," he apologized. "She'll be fine. She'll learn, and next time, she'll be stronger," I promised. "She will make your lives a living hell from now on though. She holds grudges like that," I grinned. The boys looked down at me, both of them seeing themselves more wothy of life than I. 

A soft smile grew on the master's lips. "Such a pretty face for a Never. Such a shame," he sighed pityfully. "At least have some dignitly," I replied. "All you Evers have become so shallow, so vain. Especially the boys." "Excuse me?" the brunette shot back, clearly insulted. "You Everboys expect everything to go your way. Always thinking Good will win." "We will with such weak member of Evil that you have," he shot back. "But we are so much better than you," I whispered, leaning in closer to magnify the tension, seeing if they could take it.

"And how, might I ask?" he breathed. "We're better pickpockets," I held back a smile. "Please do tell me your trick, o Wicked Witch," he sarcastially begged, making his friend snicker. "Don't watch the mouth," I begun devilishly, "watch the hands." And with that, I revealed both their white handkierchiefs in my hands.

Their eyes grew wide as they exchanged shocked looks. "This is for Hester," I hissed as I dropped both of them to the ground and had them disappear. Now, the only problem was.. I was tied to a tree.

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