Untitled Part 2

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Eve's heart almost jumped out because of another customer who claimed to be someone who would help her out. She might be needed someone's help, but not from some stranger she never knew. The biggest problem here was because of this man's abrupt action, it was evident that the customer was insulted even more.

I never ask for any help, for Pete's sake. It only made the situation worse.

After a few minutes of no response from Eve, the meddler customer tilted his head in confusion. "What's your answer, then?"

With a deep sigh, Eve got up on her own and smiled at the meddling customer. "Well, thank you for your concern, Sir. However..." She flashed a fake smile, "There's no need for you to help out a mere waitress like me. I appreciate the concern, but as an employee, I must be the one who should clear up the problem here." With her firm voice, Eve added and faced the offended customer. "I know you must feel offended because of our mistake...." Eve forced out a smile and tried to be looked formal as she could. "But it doesn't mean you can just harass an employee, am I right?"

Eve's helper was somewhat speechless because of her response. It wasn't that he was offended by Eve's words, but rather, he didn't expect her to be upright after seeing her bowing her head to apologize without thinking about her dignity.

It was rather unexpected... I wish I could see more behind that personality of hers.

Meanwhile, while the meddler was busy thinking about how adorable Eve was in his eyes, the offended customer was once again insulted by Eve's words. 

"You think I will let you get out of this mess?" The man pointed his index finger at Eve and angrily shouted, "Call your manager or your boss! I will tell them to fire you, you hear me?!" The man was still working on his words and even tried to make a mess inside the bar. With his face full of rage, the man started to kick the things his eyes laid near him.

Eve, with her head held high and her calm demeanor, clicked her tongue in annoyance. She ignored the customer's childish tantrums and walked towards the door. 

After finally arriving at the doorway, Eve kindly opened the door and smiled widely. "Well, you are free to call them as much as you want. But..." Eve was smiling, but her eyes were definitely sharp and with no life in them. "Too bad for you, my boss wasn't around, and I am currently the head here. Hence, I am not responsible for playing with your childish tantrums."

The mad customer was full of fury once again. He couldn't believe what he heard and was on the verge of letting all the humiliation he received. However, the waitress in front of him made him feel that he wasn't in need or that they shouldn't bow their head to him.

He was a customer. Of course, his words must be absolute in any circumstance. These mere peasants should always follow his words.

But contrary to his expectation, Eve was much bolder than he thought. "W-What do you mean by that?"

Where was the teary-eyed employee that was 'ready to offer her life' earlier?!

Eve crossed her arms and looked directly into the man's eyes. With her eyebrow rising up and her obvious mocking smile, she spoke as if she was looking down at him "Mhm... didn't you get what I mean?" As Eve slowly pointed her finger at the door, her mouth didn't forget to add some spice to her movements. "You are free to go, Sir. Magnifica would never tolerate someone like you here."

Everyone in the room couldn't help but giggle because of Eve's taunting words.

Eve was a bit surprised by it since she never meant to humiliate the customer, but on the other hand, it might be a good idea to put him in the right place. 

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