50: To Save Those You Love

Start from the beginning

"It depends." She smiled.

"How so?"

"If I've known them for only a few days the same thoughts might linger, but if it where someone like you..." Her gaze fell upon her friend and Master, a soft smile blessing her face, "For you, I would never regret saving you..."


Y/n woke up immediately, eyes shooting open as she sat up. Quickly pinching the bridge of her nose, she groaned. She hadn't thought of that memory in so long, why did she even have a dream about it?

"Are you ok Y/n-Chan?"

Turning towards the door Y/n smiled, "Senjuro."

The boy looked nervous, shy eyes averting hers "I'm sorry if I disturbed you, I just wanted to make sure you were doing well."

"Don't worry, I'm fine just as all the other times I've been hospitalized! There's nothing to worry about!"


"Of course, everyone's just overreacting." She smiled, trying to reassure the boy. Patting an empty space on the bed she nodded at him, "Come, sit with me."

A light shined in his eyes as he smiled, giggling before running up to the bed and jumping onto it, nestling right onto the girl's lap.

"I heard that the boy you where friends with got injured too, I'm sorry." Senjuro said, closing his eyes as Y/n tried to smooth some of his hair back. Of course, it didn't work, it just stuck right back up again.

"Why are you apologizing?" She smiled at him, "It's not your fault."

"I know..." He said awkwardly, I'm just...sorry it happened I guess."

"Is your big brother out of town again? He usually visits with you when I'm in the hospital." Y/n stated, noticing how the older clone wasn't there.

"Yup! He's out for a mission again, he's returning next week! Just intime for the next Pillar Dinner too!"

"Ah, that's right! I forgot the dinner was next week, I should remind my brother about it too." The girl hummed, "Will you be joining them again?"

"No." He sweated, "I was only there the last few times because we hosted, I won't be there since Uzui-San is hosting next."

"I see."

"What about you Y/n-Chan?"

"What about me?"

"I heard you almost never go to them!"

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