All Good things come to an end

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Tw- graphic language, violence, smut, toxic relationships dynamics

(This is the last chapter. Thank you all for the support and love.)

As you sat at your desk, staring down at all the houses, condos and apartments that you were supposed to sell, you felt an overwhelming sense of stress. Nothing had gone the way it should have. You thought having your dream job would be easy. Feel better. You thought it would have been worth all the hard work and lonely days. It almost was. The city though, that was what was swallowing you up and spitting you out. The people. It was exhausting you in a way you couldn't seem to get away from.

Your eyes swelled with tears and you sniffled, trying to slow your breathing to stop yourself from crying. Chelsea had gotten a job elsewhere. You weren't sure if this was what you wanted anymore. A knock at the door made you jump, and you quickly wiped your eyes. "Come in."

The door opened slowly with a creak and the long trench coat wearing agent came in. A cheeky smile on his face until he noticed you were crying. "Oh. Is this a bad time?"

"It's not a great time, whats up?" You shifted the chair, turning to face him more.

"I wanted to make sure you were okay. I heard about-"

"Don't. Listen, I don't need pity or remorse. I'm a big girl. I will get over it. Shit happens. Hence why I'm selling my business and hitting the road. I thought following in my parents footsteps was for me. I thought city life was what I could handle. I don't want that anymore. I want to go to the country side, and just be able to breathe. To be safe." You sighed softly, rolling your shoulders back. "Know anyone who wants a real-estate business?"

Cass rose a brow and stayed silent a moment. "You're running huh? Running from everything you've worked your ass off to get? Why? Because you got tangled up with some bad people? Let me fill you in on a little secret." He stepped closer, placing both hands flat on the table and leaned down. "Those brothers will be gone soon. Monroe is being handled. You're problems are about to be solved. You don't need to run or hide. You don't need to worry that pretty head."

Your mouth dropped a bit, shock rushing through you. Ransom and lloyd were being arrested? What did he mean by Monroe was being taken care of? How did this even happen? "I... why?"

"We've been after them for a bit. They've been involved in a lot of illegal activity and they need to be stopped. The stunt they pulled... involving you and your friend.. that was our ticket. We've got solid evidence. It's over for them. As for monroe," His eyes met yours and his smile returned. "He's just a fucker who needs to be stopped. We infiltrated his abandoned building. So many bodies. So much evidence. He's done for too. You don't need to worry anymore." He straightened out, letting his hands drop to the sides of his trench coat. "You're welcome."

You weren't even sure what to say. What to think. What to feel. A sense of relief washed over you but also something else. Worry? Confusion? Something you weren't sure why it was there. "Thank you..."

Cass nodded a bit, making his way around your desk almost timidly. He stopped as he got to the side of the chair and peered down at you. "You're very welcome. What do you say to me taking you out for a drink or dinner? You seem like you could use it."

Your lips pursed a bit. "Of course. All men are the same. You want to sleep with me."

"I mean, if you're offering-" He went to joke but when you jumped up from the chair and went to walk past him, he caught your wrist. He gently tugged you back and sighed. "I'm sorry. That's not my reasoning for wanting to take you. Not really. I just want to treat you. You've been through a lot. Please." His expression softened.

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