Good Guy, Bad Guy

405 21 1

Tw: graphic language, smut, sexual situations, blackmailing, manipulation

You could feel your heart beat in your throat. Your eyes heavy as you held back tears in the back of the police cruiser. You didn't do a damn thing wrong, so why were you so upset? This had to be about Zain. Shit. Shit. Shit. You shifted on the cold plastic seat, catching the attention of the first officer whom was driving. "Am I under arrest??"

"Not as of this moment. No. Try to remain calm." His voice though pleasant had a dark undertone. A few more moments of silence passed and he pulled into the precinct parking lot. The second officer got out and opened your door. He latched onto your arm and escorted you up the stairs into the front door.

Your eyes skimmed over every single thing in the huge room. The desks. The officers tediously working at them. Your chest tightening as they brought you to a room down the hallway and ushered you inside. A chair on one side. A table and two chairs on the other.

"Have a seat. The detectives will be with you momentarily." The officer released your arm and gestured to the chair before closing and locking the door behind him.

You felt an immediate sense of doom. You slowly walked to the chair and sat down. Goosebumps covering your nearly bare legs and arms. It was freezing in this room. The lights flickering above your head gave an even more omnious and unsettling vibe. "Fuck." You found your cell phone in your small purse and pulled it out. Shooting a text to Ransom just in case you did get locked up. The text unfortunately didn't send. Shit. Your next choice was Chelsea. You sent her one as well and it also didn't send. Then you realized there was no service. You scrolled through your contacts, seeing Lloyd's number in there. He must have put it in there when he stole your phone. Worth a shot. You quickly shot him one and tucked it away as you heard approaching footsteps.

The door creaked open and two men with short brown hair entered the room. The first man was wearing a black leather jacket and a black t-shirt. Blue jeans and regular sneakers. The second man had on a fancy white dress shirt and a beige trench coat over it. Dark slacks. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet as he made his way to the other side of the table. "I'm detective Castiel. This is detective barnes. We've got a few questions for you."

Bucky barnes, the other male sat down first, bringing his hands up to the tables surface and setting them down. His eyes narrowing and his upper lip twitching. "Have a fun night?" His steel blue eyes wandering over your body from your devil horns all the way down to your feet and back to your face.

"I- what? Yes. What's this about? Should I get a lawyer?" You tensed from the intense stare. You swore he was piercing through you soul with that gaze.

Castiel shot bucky a sideways glance at his question but dismissed it. "How do you know Zain grofton?"

Ah so this was about Zain. You knew it. You shifted towards Cass and cleared your throat. "He works at the Cafe I go into sometimes. We were hooking up occasionally. I ended things."

Bucky let out a small huff, and leaned back against the chair. He pulled his hands off the table and crossed them over his chest. "How did he take that? Did you find another lover and scorned them too?"

Your lips parted in shock at the accusation. "What? No. He was upset but understanding. We're both adults. I met someone else, but he's got nothing to do with this." You felt a chill run up your spine making you shiver.

"You cold?" Cass asked, briefly shifting away from their line of questioning. He was very observant. He'd been studying your body language from the very second he walked into the room. Feeling you out.

"It's cold in here." You nearly whispered it. You hadn't had time to grab a coat from your apartment. Hell, you barely had time to sober up completely but you were now. "Did something happen to zain?"

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