hallows eve

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Tw- smut, graphic language, drug and alcohol use and consumption, toxic behavior, stalking, manipulation, mask kink, name calling, death.

Authors note- this is a Halloween chapter. I got inspired by the fall time weather and horror movies so enjoy

Lloyd's words never left your mind as you wandered back into ransoms bedroom. Shocked. What had he done? The look of devastation was apparent because Ransom furrowed his brows when you entered.

"Are you okay?" He went to step to you but you backed away. He stopped and frowned.

"I've got to go." You tugged off his shirt and frantically began searching for your own clothes.

Ransom stood there confused. Had he done something? Not done something? Was the sex that bad? He rubbed the base of his neck and turned to watch you scurry out his bedroom door to gather the rest of your things. "Hey.." He called after you, following your quick steps through his home. "Can I see you again?"

As you scooped up the rest of your clothes you paused at the door. "There's a Halloween party in a couple days. I'll send you the address. Bye Ransom. It was fun." With that said, you were gone.

Ransom sighed heavily, shaking his head fully convinced he'd done something wrong.

"You're usually the one fleeing. It's a strange feeling isn't it?" Lloyd had been lurking in the shadows, listening. Observing. Soaking it all in.

Now it made sense. It wasn't him at all. It was lloyd. "What did you do?" His upper lip curling.

Lloyd rose his hands as if surrendering. "Nothing. I stopped by to let you know you've got a job opportunity. Lots of money. You have to leave tomorrow morning though. It's a once in a life time chance."

Ransom blinked a few times, mulling it over. "But.."

"She will be fine. I'll keep an eye on her while you're gone. You're only going to get this chance once brother. I'd go but they asked for you. You've got better people skills apparently." Lloyd wasn't offended by that truth at all. He did. He was more patient. Ransom asked questions first. He always took the chance to throw fists. He hated everyone. People were... boring. "What do you say?"

As much as Ransom wanted to go to the party and see you, he did need the cash especially after dropping as much cash as he had on his new place. "Fine. But no funny shit."

"Scouts honor." Lloyd crossed his fingers behind his back, giving a false childlike grimace.


You barely slept when you got home, unsure how to handle what lloyd said. Was he kidding? He didn't seem like the joking type. So if Zain was really... out of the picture, how was this going to affect you? Were the cops going to question you? How did he do it? Did Zain even have family? So many things were racing through your mind and all you could do was pace around.

By the time the sun came up, and the cops didn't come knocking, you made the safe assumption that it was best to go about your day. You weren't even involved. Not really. A better woman would have felt some remorse or guilt. You didn't. It was a dog eat dog world after all and Zain hadn't been a Saint. Yet somehow, he didn't quite deserve being taken out by someone who didn't even know him. Why was your next question. Why did lloyd do it? You made a mental note to ask.

You showered, got dressed in a regular skirt suit and matching blouse top and boots and headed off to the office. It was Chelsea's day off so you were left to do the paper work. Halfway through the day your phone dinged and it was Ransom with an apology saying he couldn't make it to the party and that he'd be back in town in a few days.

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