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"Who are you?" I ask in shock.
"My name is Michael Brooks, and need you to get back in that cell, or this pretty little writer dies." He said shoving the gun in Ricks face.
I want to stab this man. This Michael. I want run to where he stand and watch him die mercilessly. I can't believe I just said that. That is the man that broke me into a million pieces. I need to stay calm. I just need to find out why I am here or get out, hopefully both. I have to think fast. I won't go back into that dark room, where I will probably die from lack of sunlight and so many other things.
"Why are you doing this to us?" I ask Michael deciding to stall.
"My son was sent to prison because of your ignorant assumptions and was later murdered in the same prison that you and sent him to."
A tear streams down his face and his voice cracks as he talks trying hard to look tough and not cry.
"The worst part was, he had never hurt anyone. It was my co-worker who had killed that man. So now your going to die just because I feel it necessary." He smiles at the end of his speech.
"Well I'm sorry Michael, but killing others is not the answer. Just put the gun down and me and Rick will walk away and never tell anyone about what happened here," I say trying to convince him to let us go.
He smiles and chuckles at my response. I had said something wrong and I knew it.
"Oh honey, you really fell for that," he says laughing. "I was just kidding about my son dying because of you. He killed that man, and many others. I just need you and this idiot out of my way so I can do my job."
I decide I won't be able to get out of the building and I don't even know if I'm in New York anymore..
"Okay, but if your going to kill me at least let me out of that stupid room." I say.
"I like you Kate Beckett, so I'll you move you out of the room, but you might want it back later." He says smiling.
He takes the gun away from Rick's head and walks away. A new man comes down the hallway, walking past Castle who is standing still across from me starring at me as if I had burst into flames. It was probably shock. The man grabs my by the arm and pulls me up the hall way. He leads me to an elevator and pushes number 12. I infer that we are still in New York City. When we reach level twelve and the elevator door opens I see yet another hallway with many doors. The man pushes me out of the elevator and leads me down the hallway and opens the last door on the right side. The man pushes me in and slams the door. I hear the sound of the door being locked. I turn around to see Castle standing in front of me in a normal looking apartment. The windows were boarded up but other than that it was a nice room.
"I'm so sorry about this Kate, I was forced to do this. They threatened to kill Alexis."
I know he was only trying to help his daughter, I would have done the same thing but at the moment I was only angry about what had happened to me since we're in the hotel when he took us here.
Anger floods over me and I'm not able to control it.
"Shut up!" I scream and punch him as hard as I can in the face.

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