The beast

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There is a field all around me. I stand up. I am alone. Terror runs through me, how could of I have gotten here? Suddenly a house appears. It has a dark green roof and shingles with red bricks. And there standing at the porch was Rick. I start to cry. I run towards him with all the speed I can muster and finally I reach him.
"Kate!" He says with so much love in his eyes it felt like being wrapped in the warmest, most comfortable blanket in the world. I embrace him as he does the same. It has been so long since the last time I got to hug him and love him I had almost forgot what is was like.
"Rick, what are we doing here?" I ask.
"We live here remember?" He says in joking tone.
"We do?"
"Yes! Maybe you should get some sleep, I think you need it," he says laughing.
Rick runs his hand through my hair and kisses me. It has been so long since I had gotten to love him to ignore my anger in so long, all I want to do is be with him.
I look up at him and suddenly his kind eyes turn angry and red. I back away in surprise. Rick becomes angrier and bigger as the seconds go bye. Soon he a 10 foot tall monster angry and evil.
I turn away from the porch and run. I run as fast as I can but h have nowhere to go, I will eventually get so tired I will no longer be able to run and this beast will catch me.
The monster begins to catch up with me. His speed and agility is unbelievable, there is not even a possibility I will survive but I keep going. After about five minutes of running I see a building my hope rises dramatically.
Then suddenly the beast catches up. He pushes me to the ground and I don't have enough time to get up and start running before a human scream rises in the monsters throat. I turn around to see what happened. The beast is back but when I look at his face he has the face of Castle. I scream.
It screeches again and this time I can see Castle, trying to get out.
The scream stops and the monster looks at me. It growls in anger and comes at me. It picks me up by my neck till I'm about five inches off the ground. I begin to struggle to breathe. I grab at the beasts hand trying to get him to let go but have no success. I begin to loose conscience when I hear a noise like a door opening then shutting and then the monster kills me.

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