𝟬𝟬𝟮 someone take me home

Start from the beginning

"Hearing that he was the only other survivor suddenly isn't as relieving as before." she blurted.

Derek's lips twitched upwards.

Peter shook off Amara's words after a few moments, as he knew there were much more important things to dwell on. "Have you figured out what she is yet?"

"Still working on it," He replied, making his way to the couch, which happened to be one of the only pieces of furniture in the spacious room. "She's not a werewolf."

The sound of footsteps coming down the spiral of steps made the room go quiet. Derek and Peter knew who it was, however, Amara bit her lip as she anticipated yet another reunion, or she hoped.

A slender figure hopped down the stairs, unaware of what exactly he was interrupting. Amara rested her elbow on the couch with her hand covering half of her face.

"Is Derek back? I-"

He paused, noticing the guest in the oversized jacket sitting down. They shared a look of familiarity, both too scared to call out a name that would end up being false hope.

The beta pointed at her. "Who's that?"

His voice sounded similar to one that she had heard before. Only, this one was much deeper. Amara let out a sigh, deciding that it was worth a try. She rose from the couch, revealing the rest of her face.


His face immediately softened upon hearing his name come from her mouth, confirming all of the suspicions he had held in his mind.

Isaac's feet had developed a mind of their own, taking quick steps forward to engulf the girl in a hug. He was relieved, while shocked at the same time. She was supposed to be dead.

But, there she was . . . still alive. Isaac had already began to tear up. The hug was bittersweet yet fulfilling, because for the first time in years, Amara was holding Isaac again, skin to skin. Heart to heart. And the boy wasn't too sure that he was ready to let go again, fearing that she'd be gone in an instant if he did.

"You're alive," he breathed out, more of a statement rather than a question.

A involuntary smile formed on her lips. "I am."

"Uh," Peter hummed, interrupting the moment to speak. "You two know each other?"

The hug broke, though Isaac's hand still lingered on her back due to his fear of letting her go for a second time.

Her death had taken a major toll on him. They had been best friends for years, and hearing that she had died in a fire that was ruled as an accident tends to do a lot to someone. Isaac was just a kid when he lost the one person who was constantly there for him.

"He's- he was my best friend," Amara answered, sniffling seconds after. Amara wanted to ask him why he was in Derek's loft of all places, as well as how he even knew the Hale, but once again, it wasn't the time.

"Good," Derek chimed in, looking between the pair. "You can show Amara her room while I talk to Peter. Privately."

The emphasis in his voice on the last word gave them the impression that he wanted them out of the room as soon as possible. Amara marched ahead of Isaac to the stairs, her sandals that Derek had given her flopping with each step.

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