Lonely (chapter nine)

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notes: sorry for the late update, ill try and get another one out today to make up for it :)

You wake up, your eyes still sore and red. You see your father, still sleeping, and look outside to see that it's still dimly lit, only just reaching eclipse. You sigh, and drag yourself out of bed, walking to sit with your feet dangling in the water. You look out across the turbulent sea, the waters swelling as wind whips over them, turning them into high-peaked waves. The wind blows sand into your face and you throw a hand up to protect yourself from the sting. Looking down, you see a shadow approaching you, and look up to see Neytiri standing over you. 'Uh, hi,' you mumble. 'I know how you feel,' she says solemnly. You stare up at her, confused. 'Jake and I went through something similar in our relationship,' she confirms, sitting down beside you. You put your head in your hands, embarrassed, as she continues.

'Jake and I, we mated when I was still arranged to be married to another. My mother and father, at first they would not accept it, but they came around. They had no choice. And I know that you have yet to tell your and her parents about the nature of your relationship, but if you do, just know that Jake and I are here to support the both of you,' she says kindly, as you look up to her. 'Thank you, Neytiri,' you whisper. 'But what am I supposed to do about being separated from Tsireya now?' Neytiri opens and closes her mouth, holding herself back from saying something. 'I am not one to tell you to disrespect your parents orders, but...' she trails off. You grin. 'Thank you,' you say softly, as she pulls you in for a hug. 'Goodbye, y/n. I wish you luck,' she says, as she walks away. She leaves you alone just as the sun begins to rise, an amalgamation of pinks and oranges and reds forming in the sky. You grin up at the sunrise as you return to your hut. For the first time today, you have hope.

* * *

When you arrive at training, everyone is there except Tsireya. When you ask Lo'ak, he huffs and says, 'her mother didn't want her under the influence of us forest monkeys, or something along the lines of that.' You frown, and shake your head. 'Her mother really thinks the fight is our fault, huh? Maybe she should realise that her son is the asshole, not us.' 'You're right about that,' Neteyam mutters as he rides past on his ilu. You hide your smile. Good thing Aonung's getting everything he deserves, then, you think. 

For training today, you're tossing shells in the water and making everyone swim down and catch them, then bring them back up. Aonung and his friends are sitting away from the group, ignoring everyone, as you do all the work. 'Are you going to actually participate and do that community service you're being punished with, or are you going to sit around and chat all day?' you grumble. 'Looks like you're doing fine on your own,' he says, laughing, and after a few seconds his friends all join in. At this point they don't even have minds of their own, they're just his minions. 'You know what, Aonung? Leave, then. No one here is enjoying your presence, so you and your friends can fuck off,' you snap. Lo'ak laughs, and then Neteyam's laughing too, and Kiri, and even Tuk. She sticks out her tongue at Aonung, and Kiri pats her on the head. Now who's laughing, you think smugly, as Aonung and his friends turn around and swim away slowly.

Lo'ak turns to you, grinning. 'Maybe we should start an Aonung hate club.' 'Me and y/n already have one, Lo'ak,' Kiri calls. 'It's just exclusive, so you weren't invited.' You giggle, as Lo'ak turns to you, pretending to be hurt. 'Y/n, you betrayed me,' he fake sobs, and you laugh. 'Hey, why wasn't I invited?' Neteyam asks, and Tuk nods. 'Me too,' she says sadly, taking you seriously. 'Oh, Tuk, we were just kidding,' you say gently as you ruffle her hair. She grins up at you and hugs you, and you smile down at her. You turn to whisper how cute she is to Tsireya, but remember with a pang of sadness that she's not there. You keep smiling and laughing along with everyone, but inside, your light mood is gone, replaced with a heavy sadness. 

* * *

'I just wish I could see her right now, and all the time, and I can't,' you sob to Kiri as she holds you close. Lately, you two have really been bonding. 'Do you love her?' she asks suddenly. 'I - what do you mean? As a friend, I love her so much,' you say, avoiding her eyes. 'Y/n, just stop lying. I'm asking if you love her,' she says, and you wonder how she knows. 'I really love her, Kiri,' you say, your voice breaking as you turn to cry into her shoulder again. 'Oh, y/n,' she murmurs, stroking your head gently. 

'So, tell me everything,' Kiri says after you calm down. 'Because I know you've been lying to protect Tsireya and yourself, but you know you can trust me, right?' 'Of course,' you say, smiling. 'Kiri, she's perfect.' You tell her about your first kiss with Tsireya, and laugh as you watch her reactions, how she gasps with her hands on her mouth at how romantic it was. You tell her how Tsireya took you out on Ikeyni (her ilu), and how you swam and laughed and jumped out of the water like nothing mattered except you two. And you cry even more tears as you tell her how if you could tell her parents and your father, you two could be together, forever. Kiri cradles your head in her arms gently, pushing your hair out of your eyes as tears leak down your face. 'It will work out, y/n,' she soothes. 'I promise.'

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