Separation (chapter eight)

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You grab Aonung by his hair, yanking him off of Lo'ak, who's getting dragged by his tail. You hold Aonung up by his hair, and punch him square in the nose repeatedly. He bares his teeth at you, and twists, trying to break free. Before he can, Neteyam comes up behind him and grabs him around the waist, tackling him to the ground. 'I thought I could trust you,' you hear him mutter to Aonung, as he holds his face into the sand. You smirk, and turn to help Lo'ak. All of the people Neteyam was fighting are lying on the ground groaning, so Lo'ak's struggling with the last person left. Roxto. Before you can help him, he's escaped Roxto's grip on his tail and debilitated him quickly with a knee to the crotch. You look around at the scene you three have caused. Aonung, Roxto, and their other friends are scattered over the beach, lying on the ground.

You turn and grin at Neteyam. 'Nice work,' you say. He shrugs. 'You beat up Aonung. You should be just as proud.' You giggle. 'It was therapeutic,' you admit. Kiri sighs. 'You guys are all idiots, you know?' she says, frustrated. 'Oh well,' Lo'ak says, grinning. You turn to him, and he nods to you respectfully. Thank Eywa. Suddenly, you see Tonowari and Ronal marching over, followed closely by Jake and Neytiri and your father. Great, you think. 'Aonung, what are you doing?' Tonowari bellows, and Ronal glares down at him, her stare like daggers. You stare at the ground as Jake and Neytiri berate Lo'ak and Neteyam. Your father slowly walks over to you, standing in front of you with his arms crossed. You avoid his eyes as he looks down at you disappointedly.

'You already know what I think, y/n, so I'm not going to waste my time lecturing you. Don't do it again,' he says in a low tone, and you hang your head even lower. Ronal abruptly says in a commanding tone, 'everyone, come to the town hall. We clearly need to have a meeting about respecting others' (glaring at you, Lo'ak and Neteyam) 'in this town,' she finishes. As she walks away, she kicks Aonung, muttering 'get up. You have brought shame to this family.'

* * *

As you walk into the town hall, your father pushing you forward with his hand on your back, you see Tsireya standing behind Tonowari. You meet her eyes and flick her a quick smile, but she shakes her head minutely and you return your gaze to the floor. Lo'ak and Neteyam are escorted in behind you, and finally Aonung and his friends walk in. You all stand in a line, your parents skulking behind you as you stand before Tonowari and Ronal.

Ronal speaks first, turning to Aonung and his friends. 'From what I understand, you insulted Kiri, which led to Lo'ak instigating the fight,' she states. Aonung nods confirmation, looking at his feet. 'I am very disappointed in you all. Especially you, Aonung,' she says to them sharply. You grin at the floor, happy that they're getting what they deserve. 'You are all banned from riding ilus or any other form of transportation for the next month. And I expect you to help out around the community, too,' she commands. Aonung and his friends hang their heads, muttering. 'yes ma'am.' 'You may leave now,' she says, dismissing them. They file out past you, Neteyam, and Lo'ak, glaring you all down as they leave. You grimace, unprepared to hear your punishment.

'Lo'ak,' Ronal hisses. 'You started this fight. So, you will be the one to pay the most for it. You will do two months with no ilus or other methods of transportation, and a year of community service in the maternity hut. You will help mothers with their children once a day, for an hour.' 'Ugh,' he groans, but accepts it. 'You may leave,' she instructs, and he nods, walking out immediately, his eyes on the ground. Next, Ronal stands in front of Neteyam. He stares straight into her eyes, head tall. 'You were protecting your brother, and I can understand that,' she says slowly. He nods, but she's not finished yet. 'You will still have one month without ilus or transportation, but I do not expect any community service out of you. You were probably the most responsible in this situation other than Kiri,' she remarks, and he smirks. 'You may leave,' she instructs, and finally, it's your turn.

'Y/n. I would've expected you to be more responsible, and yet I am disappointed by your behaviour,' she reprimands, and you lower your head in shame. 'Your punishment will not be removal of transportation, or community service. Instead, I will be separating you and Tsireya indefinitely, so you can have some time alone to reflect on your actions and think about how you have been a bad influence to her, my daughter,' she orders. 'What?' you say, incredulous. 'No, you can't. Please, Ronal. I will do anything else, just please don't separate us,' you beg, tears forming in your eyes. 'My mind is made up,' she says, looking away from you. 'Now, say goodbye to Tsireya. You will not see her again after this.'

'Tsireya,' you say, running to her. She grasps your arms, looking into your eyes, before pulling you in for a tight hug. 'I will miss you, my love,' she whispers. 'I see you,' you tell her, and she smiles, a soft, gentle smile. 'I see you, y/n.' Then, Tonowari grabs her, pushing her away from you and out of the door. 'Goodbye, y/n,' she yells desperately over her shoulder, and then she's gone. You storm out of the hut, tears pouring down your face, and walk quickly down the pathways of the village. You don't mean to, but you end up at you and Tsireya's rock at the base of the cliff. You clamber up to it and sit there, alone. You listen to the wind in the grass and watch the sun move slowly closer to eclipse as you cry until no more tears come. Then, finally, you return home.

the delicate balance (of me and you) | tsireya x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now