Together (chapter four)

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notes: sorry about the late update, i was doing stuff for new years. anyways, happy new years!

You're kissing Tsireya. And your hands are in her hair, tangling in her curls, pulling her closer. She leans into you, pressing her body against yours as she kisses you passionately. You pull away for a second, and gasp in air, your heart beating fast. She looks into your eyes, and smiles, a smile of genuine joy and happiness. You smile back, your eyes filling with tears, but this time happy tears. Tsireya gently wipes them away with her thumb, her hand gently cupping your face. You press your forehead against hers, your eyes closed. 'I never expected this,' you say. 'Neither did I- I thought I would just have to bottle away these feelings,' Tsireya whispers, and you open your eyes to meet hers.

'I like you, Tsireya,' you say, and she grins at you. 'I like you too, y/n.' You stare into her eyes, admiring the kaleidoscope of colours within them, and she stares back with a small smile. She leans over, your lips meeting lightly as she tenderly tucks a strand of your hair behind your ear. You deepen the kiss, reaching to cup her face, your other hand sliding to hold her waist against you. You feel Tsireya's long eyelashes brush over your skin as she suddenly lifts her legs, wrapping them around your waist. You stumble, giggling into her mouth. 'Reya!' 

She laughs, and you fall backwards, twisting so she lands on top of you. She rolls off, still laughing, and lies back with her hand on her stomach, giggling. As the laughter slowly dies down, you lie on your backs in silence, watching the stars, and listening to the sound of the waves crash against the cliff. You reach for Tsireya's hand, and she grabs it, stroking it with her thumb. This is amazing, you think. She's amazing.

As the night passes, and the stars move slowly across the sky, you lie awake. Sometimes, you look over at Tsireya, just to see how she looks so perfect in her sleep. She lies with her eyes closed, her stomach rising as she breathes in and out slowly, her fingers still curled around yours. She looks so delicate. Her eyes twitch, and her mouth straightens into a gentle smile in her sleep. I wonder what she's dreaming about. Finally, you feel yourself drifting off to sleep, comfortable on this lonely rock, high above the village, with Tsireya.

* * *

You wake up to bright sunshine, and you blink, guarding your eyes with a hand. Slowly, you sit up, and check to see if Tsireya's still next to you. She is, still sleeping peacefully. So last night wasn't a dream, you think, and have to turn away as you smile in excitement. She really feels the same. Tsireya shifts, and you look over at her as she opens her eyes, smiling at you sleepily. 'Hey,' she says. 'Hey,' you reply, smiling. 'Last night felt like a dream,' you say. 'I know,' she says, stretching luxuriously. You get up, and reach out a hand to help her up. She grabs your hand, lifting herself up, and meets your eyes with a small smile. You giggle, and throw your arm around her shoulders. She leans into you, and turns her head to kiss you lightly. 

The sunshine glimmers on the sea as you stand on the rock with Tsireya, discussing what to do. 'You want to be with me?' you ask shyly. 'Of course. And you feel the same?' she says. 'You know I do, Reya,' you say, and she grins, spinning away from you and pulling you with her down the rocks. 'So we're official then,' she says, turning back to face you with a dimpled smile. 'But what about us... you know. Not being the opposite gender?' you ask. 'You know it is rarely done.' Tsireya looks at the ground, her smile dropping. 'You're right. I don't think my father will accept us. Perhaps my mother, but my father is the leader of our clan. He could arrange for me to be married to someone else.' You grab her hand, concern on your face. 'Reya...' 'It's okay,' she says dejectedly, fighting back tears. 'Tsireya, we can still be together, we just have to keep it secret. If it's okay with you?' you ask quietly. 

'Of course it is. It just... it worries me because I feel like we have no future, and I want to be with you. y/n,' she says, melancholy. 'If it comes to that, we'll make it work. Okay, Reya?' you say comfortingly. 'Okay,' she says, cracking a small smile. 'Now, our parents must be wondering where we've been,' you say. 'So, what's our excuse?' 

* * *

Tsireya's POV:

I clamber down the rocks, holding y/n's hand as I pull her along behind me. I bask in my happiness, grinning and skipping as I laugh in the sunshine. She's so beautiful, and pretty, and perfect, I think. And now she's mine. As we reach the village, we split apart, but I can't help looking over at her every two seconds. Y/n walks with poise, holding her head high, her hair swaying. She's so graceful, I think. As I watch her, she turns to look at me, smiling. She leans over, picking a conch shell off the sand, and hands it to me. Our fingers touch as she hands over the shell, and we linger like that, with our fingers slightly intertwined holding the shell. My heartbeat speeds up as I look up from our hands to her eyes, slowly taking the shell. I hold it up to my eyes, examining the spotted patterns that cover the top, and running my fingers over it. It's a beautiful shell, flawless and smooth. I'll make a necklace out of it later, I think, tucking it away.

'See you later,' says y/n, breaking me out of my trance as she walks towards her house, waving. I see her lift a hand to cover her grin as she turns away, and I smile, and wave back. I turn away too, to head to my house to grab some stuff before I have to go train the forest children. I'll get to see y/n again, I think, delighted. I wonder how I'm going to be able to focus now.

the delicate balance (of me and you) | tsireya x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now