| chapter eighteen |

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Sparring with Jasper has become one of my favored past times; well, any time I hung out with Jasper was meaningful

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Sparring with Jasper has become one of my favored past times; well, any time I hung out with Jasper was meaningful. Not only had he quickly become my favorite brother, but according to Carlisle, he was also my soul brother.

It took less than 24 hours for Jasper to realize our bond was different from the others, but he's an empath, so I feel like he cheated, and I will continue to argue my case for years to come.

Carlisle was only a little behind, having witnessed sibling soul bonding firsthand with the Volturi Kings. Apparently, that was the only thing keeping Marcus alive after losing his soulmate.

Rosalie was more than happy when Carlisle explained what it meant for me and Jasper to be soul siblings. She was glad I had another bond to keep me grounded and help me feel a part of this family even more.

As much as I trying to get to know the others, it was Jasper and Rosalie who truly managed to keep me sane, especially when it came to getting through the challenging stages of my diet change.

It hadn't been long since my eyes had altered from the striking red color I was so used to them being. Now, however, they were more of a bright orange.

Another vampire would definitely be able to see the change without having to get close.

The ratio of human to animal blood in my mixed drinks had changed so much that I began consuming more animal blood, gradually turning my eyes amber.

Changing was tough, but the pride on my soulmate's and new family's faces was worth it.

Labeling them as my new family was difficult, but through many talks with Esme, I slowly overcame the fear of losing more people I cared about. Eva also helped when I called, explaining how she and my other family felt being pushed aside for years.

"Good," Jasper commented as I dodged his attack. As soon as our sibling bond locked together, he demanded to teach me how to fight and show me how to defend myself.

He'd told me about his troubled past, his guilt and strife of being that person before meeting Alice. How he had to dispose of newborns in his creator's army and feel their emotions as he destroyed them.

Though I wasn't going to hold any of that against him. He wasn't alone in doing things he regretted after his transition. I'm the 'Parisian Pyromane,' the monster who wiped out a small village written about in history books.

That'll be fun to explain when the Cullens figure it out.

My relationship with Jasper was comforting because we were so similar that it made my new life much easier. It was like a breath of fresh air, knowing he won't judge me either.

"Tighten up your stance," Jasper ordered; once I flipped over his head, he was almost able to grab one of my arms that I hadn't held close to my body.

Landing with an elegant gymnastic salute, I bow mockingly with a flourish. "Oui, Major," a tiny smirk twitches at the corner of Jasper's mouth.

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