| chapter ten |

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Racing back through the familiar journey to Forks, my mind was only filled with my beautiful blonde mate

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Racing back through the familiar journey to Forks, my mind was only filled with my beautiful blonde mate.

 Was she feeling as bad as I was? 

Had my accidental rejection forced her to feed on a human, the one thing she had never done before?.

Henry had explained the rejected mate always felt worse than the rejecter, and with the way my throat was burning right now, I can only imagine the type of pain I was putting Rosalie through.

Flying through the trees and running over the land in a blur, the only thing I could think of was her. Maybe that's why I hadn't seen or heard the growling wolves until after one of them had made a jump at me.

Twisting my body away, I hissed at the jet black wolf as I sprung up into the trees, leaving him and a two other wolves to growl below me. Glancing down at the mutts, I noticed how big they were. For a moment, I mistook the black one for a bear with how big he was.

A silver wolf and a dark brown wolf flanked the black one as they raised their hackles at me, waiting for my next move, and unfortunately for them, they stood in between me and my world.

Sending a wave of fire towards them, I quickly jumped from the tree onto the black wolf as he let out a monstrous roar. The other two were fast to defend the biggest of the three.

Wrapping my hand around the brown ones tail, I let my hand heat up just enough to get it to yelp and leap away from me. It shook it's head and crouched before diving towards me as I created a fireball ready to strike.

"Wait!" a familiar voice called out just as I was about to use my flames. "She's with us," Carlisle's voice booms as he and the rest of the Cullen's stand tall a few meters away from me.

Extinguishing my flames, I gasped, seeing my love leaning against Emmett, her beautiful porcelain skins now a grey tone, as her usual golden hair looked more dull and lifeless than the last time I had seen her.

The expression in her eyes that were trained on the wolves shocked me the most, and I realized that she wasn't leaning against the stocky vampire as much as he was holding her back as she shook in a silent rage.

I felt my back hit the ground, and I let out a hissing scream as I glanced up to see the jaws of the silver wolf inches from my face. "No!" Rosalie gasped as I eyed up the sharp canines in front of me.

Placing my hands on either side of the wolf's torso, I sneered as I burned him. Using my powers wasn't something I loved doing for obvious reasons, but I wasn't about to let a must take me away from my soulmate.

The silver wolf howled in pain as it reared back, knocking into the black wolf who nudged it with its massive head. The three of them rapidly moved back towards the dense forest as I sat in shock at their retreat.

"Geneviève, come quickly," Esme whispered as she motioned for me towards her and pulled me behind her in a protective stance as three tall men angrily walked out of the trees towards us.


I had learned all about them from Thomas, who had a weird obsession with them. I should have guessed from the moment their scent hit my nostrils. At least I'll be able to go home with a story for him, although I don't think he would be happy with how I acted towards them.

"Give us that leech, Cullen," the tall copper-skinned man seethed as he ordered Carlisle around in a deep voice. The other two men stood on either side of him, one looking considerably angrier than the other.

"I'm sorry, Sam, I can't do that," Carlisle apologized as his eyes moved between each man quickly as he assessed the situation. "Geneviève's with us-" He began until the angry shapeshifter cut in.

"Her eyes are red. She can't be with you" Sam put a hand on the angry wolf's shoulder and mutters for him to keep calm. I noticed the tremors passing through him, and I wondered if he would shift just from my presence alone.

"Paul's right," Sam growled as his eyes met mine "she has red eyes, that means she feeds off humans. We can't leave her here to be a danger to the town" Sam must be the leader of the wolf pack around here. He gives off that mightier than thou attitude.

"Geneviève has recently mated with Rosalie," Esme cut in, sounding calmer than her grip on my arm felt. I cautiously eyed the blonde, who was still seething from where she now stood in between Emmett and Amber.

The rest of the coven was quiet, almost as if giving the reins to the two 'parents' of the group. Edward gave me a subtle nod at my train of thought, and even though I wanted to burn the mutts, his slight motion of stepping closer to me stopped that thought.

"She broke the treaty" The last wolf finally spoke up but without any anger in his voice, unlike the other two. He was awfully calm for someone who just got burned and possibly killed by a vampire....weirdo.

"Geneviève wasn't apart nor aware of the treaty agreement, but we can assure you now she's here it will never happen again," Carlisle promises as he gives me a look, to which I nodded along with as the shapeshifters eyed me dangerously.

Anything to get out of here and to hold Rosalie in my arms and make her shine as brightly as she should. To be the mate she deserved and not one that she had been stuck with.

I could see the defeat in Sam's eyes along with fury and a little bit of fear. They all had singed fur and bruised egos to go with it.

"If anything happens, it's on your head, Cullen. You may have the authority over Forks, but I won't hesitate to step in if I have to," Sam threatened as Rosalie let out a pained hiss at the insinuation as his eyes stared into hers. "Soulmate or not." 

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