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Hailee's face showed of pure surprise.

"Yes, it has been a long journey. Certainly those experiences have helped me grow as a person and as a singer. I hope to showcase this growth this afternoon." Danel says politely.

"Wow, your dedication and commitment is something to be admired. I understand that you had two siblings, where are they now?" The host asks.

"I would like to keep them out of the spotlight and my personal life private." 

"I see. I can respect that. What is your ultimate dream?"

"To be a well known singer, like my momma, mummy and Beyoncé!" Haiz and I chuckle at her enthusiasm. While the interview continued, a sudden realization hit me.

"I think I have a hunch who may have leaked the information. We only gave one person the full story and she also has a ton to gain from releasing it as well." I whisper.


"Alena Gorbacheva. She's using Danel's trauma to attract sympathy from the voters, giving Kazakhstan a better chance to win." I explain.

"What should we do then? I don't think Alena will admit anything. I also don't want her pull Daneliya out of the competition either."

"I agree. Let's just let it play out. Danel did a good job of keeping everything under control." I suggest. Haiz nods just as the hosts move on to the next participant. We quickly walk over to Danel.

"That was weird and wrong. Did I answer okay?"

"Yes princess, you did. I agree that it's immoral, but we'll have to let it go. I know how much this contest means to you, so I don't want to risk them pulling you out." I say.

"Thank you mummy. I suppose it's time for me to get ready."

"Indeed, we'll be here." Haiz says. Our daughter makes her way to the hair and makeup station, disappearing behind the curtain. A short while later, she re-emerges wearing a beautiful white dress.

"Wow, looking beautiful." I say as she sits down next to us.

"Are you nervous?"

"A little. I just don't want to let my country down."

"And you won't. Your country chose you to be here because they believe in you." Haiz says.

"I suppose you're right. Oh, it's starting!" Danel points to the screen at the front of the room.

"Ladies and gentleman! Welcome to the Junior Eurovision Song Contest of 2018! Before we begin, I'd like to extend a big thank you to all the countries and singers who are here this afternoon! I'm your host, Zinaida Kupriyanovich and this is my partner, Evgeny Perlin."

"Thank you all for coming! This afternoon, we are proud to share with you the young talent of our continent. Without further ado, let us determine the order of this year's presentations!" Evgeny says as Zinaida pulls out 20 envelopes.

"Alright, here we go! First up is.....Ukraine! Next up is.....Portugal! Coming up after is.......Kazakhstan!" We drown as the rest as Danel now knew when she would be performing. Once the order draw was completed, it was time for the live shows. The songs for Ukraine and Portugal were fantastic, but Hailee and I still had confidence in Danel.

"Thank you Rita Laranjeira! Good luck to you and Portugal! Next up, we have our first new country in Junior Eurovision! Please welcome Daneliya Tuleshova Steinfeld-Y/LN! Representing Kazakhstan!" Zinaida calls out. At this point, Danel's interview begins to play. Everything was going smoothly until the last part of the clip.

A Star is Cruising (Hailee/You with Daneliya)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora