On the Hunt

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We quickly made our way to the dressing room where Maggie and OA were already waiting.

"Thanks for coming. We've spoken with your service provider and have identified where the text was sent from. It was sent from a burner phone located somewhere in Fuller Park. We've sent our partners to investigate at this time. This is video footage from their body camera." Maggie says, pulling up a video feed on her phone.

"Thank you for the update. I just hope we find her." Hailee says. We watch as the two field agents make their way down the street to an old, decrepit apartment building.

"Okay, the wave point puts us here, but there are dozens of units here

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"Okay, the wave point puts us here, but there are dozens of units here. We can't narrow it
down further." One of the agents says.

"Hang on Scola, I've got Ian and Elise working on looking at the tenants of this building for connections. Stand by." Maggie replies calmly. A few minutes later, we had a new development.

"Unit 312. Ivan Khovanov, close friend of Oleg and Valentina Kuleshov. Oleg and Valentina are the Uncle and Aunt of our victim."

"Copy, will make entry now." The two agents enter the building and make their way up to the third floor. At the door to Unit 312, they knock loudly.

"Federal Agents!" There was no answer. They kick open the door and enter. The apartment was mostly empty, besides a wooden object stored in one of the closets.

"Those are her crutches. She was there." I say.

"Tiff, Scola. Secure the crutches, they have been IDed as belonging to the victim. ERT is on route." Maggie commands.

"Got it. Hang on a second." There was a clank coming from the living room. As the agents hurriedly make their way in that direction, a
small draft blew at the drapes.

"The perp went out the window using the fire escape. He's heading North on S Princeton Avenue. Get Chicago PD to intercept him. We're on it too." A high speed chase ensues as they chase after the suspect through the streets, only stopped by him tripping over a curb. The agents swiftly arrest the perpetrator right in front of our eyes.

"We've got him."

"Copy, bring him in for questioning." The feed then ends.

"We've got him, OA and I are going to see what he can tell us. We'll let you know if anything comes up." Maggie says.

"Please, we'd like to be there." I say.

"No, you can't interfere with the investigation. Let us do our job. Trust us." She says. I lay my hands gently on her shoulder.

"Losing Daneliya is the worst thing that's ever happened to me. I want to be there, I want to help. Both of us do." Maggie sighs.

"Let me just check with 26 Fed."

A Star is Cruising (Hailee/You with Daneliya)Where stories live. Discover now