The End of the Ordeal

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"What are you doing?" I ask as I raise my hands in a surrender pose.

"You fool! Now I get to kill two birds with one stone!" He says. I could see the fright on Danel's face.

"If you hurt us now, you'll never be able to leave the country. It'll put the FBI in to Red Alert. Every agent in the field would be on the lookout for you." I say.

"Perhaps you do have a point. I kill you in Russia then." At then minute, his wife emerges from somewhere and forcefully grabs my hands to tie them up.

"FBI! DON'T MOVE! HANDS WHERE I CAN SEE THEM!" Maggie yells as she runs in to the room with Agents Wallace and Scola surrounding us in the other direction. I catch a glimpse of Mr. Kuleshov reaching for the trigger and I instinctively push the barrel of the firearm up away from my face.

"Aaahhh!" I scream as he fires. As soon as the shot went off, the agents tackled him to the ground, along with his wife.

"Both suspects in Custody." Maggie says.

"Are you okay?" Agent Wallace asks. I nod, still clutching my hand.

"Let me see your hand," Agent Wallace says as I shown her my limb, "Looks like it's got a mild burn from the heat of the barrel. We should get you and Daneliya to the hospital to get checked out." I nod and turn my attention to my daughter who was now untied. I run over to her and bring her in for a big hug.

"I'm glad you're alright Danel." I say, not wanting to let her go. I feel her push herself against me as well. Hailee joins our embrace shortly thereafter.

"I believe these belong to you." OA says, handing Danel her crutches.

"Thank you." She says.

"You're very welcome. Come on, let's get you two to the ambulance." I follow Daneliya as she slowly hobbles towards the waiting ambulance. The two paramedics there help carry her on board, while I climb on board and take a seat next to her.

"Hi Daneliya, I'm Tom, and my partner is Rick. I'm going to be taking care of you today. Are having any pain?"

"Just my leg." Danel says.

"That's good. I'm going to give you some pain medication through this needle, okay?" Tom says.

"Hey, look at at me and hold my hand, alright?" I say. She nods and bravely takes the shot.

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome Daneliya. This is for you, because you were so amazing." Tom says, producing a piece of candy.

"Can I?" Danel asks Hailee and I.

"Of course sweetheart." Haiz says.

"Alright, now I have to look at your mother's hand." Tom says. He gives me the same pain medication and places an ice pad on my hand. When we arrive at the hospital, we were moved to a two bed room. After quickly applying ointment on my hand and giving me a prescription, the doctor quickly moved on to my daughter.

"Daneliya? I'm Doctor Thomas. I'm just going to make sure you're not hurt anywhere, okay?" The doctor says. Our daughter nods as the doctor performs the physical exam.

"Wow, I have to say, you look perfect besides your leg of course."

"Thank you." Daneliya says, burying her head in to my chest.

"Honey, because you were taken by some bad people, we have to check one more thing. That is your private area." Doctor Thomas says.

"Is it going to hurt?" Danel asks in a small voice.

A Star is Cruising (Hailee/You with Daneliya)Where stories live. Discover now