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I'm thinking waffles

After the longest hour of my life we finally get to the man's house.
"Klaus and I will get out and have a look around, you and Five keep watch." Diego says
"Okie dokie." Klaus says getting out of the car.
I nod.

When they leave I turn to Five who still hasn't said a word, he won't stay quiet for long.
"I was so good earlier. When was the last time something I planned worked out so well?" I muse
Five rolls his eyes, "Says the girl who practically ran out of the building."
"I did not! I can take care of myself believe it or not."

"You say that, then you get kidnapped." Five says
I roll my eyes, "I hate you"
"Wow, that was a good one. Let me write that down." Five quips
I smack his arm, "You're such an *ss."
He rubs his arm and laughs, "one that's taking you on a date when this is all over."
I smile, but the moment is cut short by a piercing scream.

Our eyes widen and five jumps us out of the car. We run to the back door and see Diego holding a knife to a man's throat, an unconscious Klaus and a bat on the ground.
"What is going on here?" Five barks
"He knocked out Klaus!"
"I'm sorry! I thought he was someone else." The man pleads
On closer inspection I see that the man is all too familiar, "Dr. Ryan?"
His eyes widen at the sight of me, "Y/n?"
"Who is this?" Diego asks
"Doctor Samual Ryan. My mother's doctor." I cross my arms, "he has some explaining to do."

Diego lets him go.
"I swear I didn't know what I was doing." Dr. Ryan says, "I was offered enough money to finish paying off my college debt."
He's not talking about Klaus.
"Who payed you?" I ask
"I can't tell you. He'll come for me like he came for Jerry. I have a wife and kids, Y/n please."
"Who's Jerry?" Diego asks
"The guy who I was driving. He set the fire. He was found dead, shot."

Five sighs and grabs him by the collar, "that wasn't your boss, that was me. If you don't tell me, I'll kill you."
"He called himself Zero! I never saw him I promise." Dr. Ryan tells Five.
Five puts him down, "if I find out your lying I'll-"
"Five!" I scold
"Thank you Y/n." Dr. Ryan says
I rub my temple, "just go inside. If zero contacts you again, call me."
He nods vigorously and scurries back inside.

Diego looks down at Klaus, "What about him?"
I shrug, "he'll be fine"
We stare at him for a minute before he pops back up
"Are you okay?" Diego asks
"I'm starving." Klaus says, "I'm thinking we should go get waffles."
Five shakes his head and goes back to the car.
Klaus laughs, "That was a close one. I thought I wasn't going to make it there for a second!"
I scoff, "you're an idiot."
"Well dankie!" Klaus says
I shake my head, "I'm going home"

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