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"She has Allison"

Five's POV

"Allison!" I call from the door way. She'll be able to help better. She can help clean her up.

Diego turns the corner and looks back and forth between the two of us, "what did you do?"
She becomes more alert and walks over to Diego. He holds around her waist and she leans into his chest. It was stupid of me to think I could help help her wasn't it? Obviously she wants Diego.

"It wasn't him" Y/n croaks "I did something bad"
"What do-what do you mean? Are-are-Are you ok?" Diego stutter. He's useless when he's nervous.
She pulls away from him, "I don't want to get blood on you"
I give her a look that says 'we're in this together' and she offers me a weak smile.

"What did you do?" Diego asks again
"I shot him" she says mimicking a gun with her hand.
Diego's eyes widen, "oh"

My blood starts to boil. He looks at her like she's a monster. I've seen him kill before and I know he's no saint.
"It's ok" Diego finally says. Good.

Allison finally comes down the stairs with Klaus right behind her. She immediately scoops Y/n into her arms, "Are you ok?"
Y/n nods. She seems to have calmed down.
"Can we get you cleaned up?" Allison asks her
She nods again.
"Go warm the water up" she says to Klaus
"Yes ma'am" he says running back upstairs
"I've got it from here" Allison tells Diego and I
"Take care of her, will you?" I ask
Allison gently smiles, "of course"

Once they disappear up the stairs Diego turns to me, "You really care about her"
"No, but you do so I'm trying to keep her out of jail." Sometimes I feel like I don't really care about anyone and it concerns me.
He looks at me obviously unconvinced, "Sure you don't"

Y/n's POV

After the tub is full and I have a set of clean clothes to change into after I'm clean Allison kicks Klaus out.

Allison helps me peel the blood covered clothes off and I slip into the tub. The warm water rushes over my skin and I wonder if it could even wash away what happened today. I could scrub my skin until it was raw and the guilt would still stick to me like cheap perfume.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Allison asks
"I just want to forget" I tell her. The only person who will ever know what happened today is Five.

After what feels like no time at all Allison helps me out of the tub and helps me get dressed, then brushes my hair.

"I'm tired" I tell her
She opens the door and Klaus and Ben are sitting outside, waiting.
Ben immediately gives me a warm hug, "You don't have to say anything, just know we're here for you"
if I had any tears left I'd cry. I don't deserve the people here. If they saw what I did they'd run.

They walk me to my room
"Do you want us to stay?" Klaus asks
"I really don't want to be alone right now" I tell them
"Then we'll stay" Ben says
"As long as you need" Klaus adds

Allison strokes my hair like my mother used to do until I drift off to sleep.

Five's POV

It's been hours since I heard anything and I'm worried. What if she needs me?
I quietly open the door and see her Klaus and Ben sleeping somehow all squeezed into her twin sized bed and a sense of relief washes over me. She's ok. It was stupid of me to think she needed me.

Allison looks up at me from her chair in the corner of the room, "Don't worry, I'm watching"
I slip the rest of the way into the room, "Diego can't fall asleep, so I told him I'd check"
"Are you sure you aren't the one that wanted to check?"

"I could've stopped this" I say
"How?" She asks
I shrug, "I don't know, I let her keep the gun"
"Nobody ever would have thought she would use it"
"She was just trying to keep her mom safe." I sigh " She shouldn't have feel like this"

"She called for you in her sleep" Allison says
"So?" I ask. I don't understand your point. She's probably traumatized and and she probably knows it's my fault, just like everything else.
"She cares about you, don't let her down" Allison explains

I run my hand through my hair "She doesn't care about me, she just needs someone to blame when things go wrong"
Allison offers me a small smile, "you don't see it"
"Don't see what?"
"You'll understand one day"

I look at Y/n. She'll be ok. She has them.
"I'll let Diego know she's ok" I tell Allison
She quietly waves and I take the queue to exit. She's lucky to have them, I know I don't.

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