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                               "The Picture"

Five's POV

"Why'd you call us here?" I ask Diego as we all stand outside of Y/n's door.
"She hasn't left her room in three days" Diego responds
I roll my eyes "She's probably sick of seeing you, I know I am"
"She probably really misses her mom" Allison chimes in
"She probably needs someone" Ben adds
"Well you guys can take care of that" I say. It's not like we all need to be here. It's not like she'd want to see me.

Luther shrugs, "she's probably just getting settled in"
Diego gives him a dirty look, "you really are as dumb as you look."
Klaus sighs "that's what Y/n used to say about him"
I scoff "she's not dead"

Diego shakes his head, "anyway, her door is locked, so we can't get in"
"Do you want me to break it down?" Luther asks
"No!" Diego exclaims "I want Five to go check on her"
"What?" I ask with surprise "there's got to be someone better to do it"
"Nobody else can get in there" Diego encourages me
I sigh "Fine"

Y/n's POV

Five pops into my room without warning and I jump, "Ever heard of knocking?"
"They knocked, multiple times" he responds
"How about privacy? I could have been changing"
"Well you weren't, you were having a tantrum"
"if you're just here to insult me get out" I spit

"no" he sits down on the bed next to me "Diego will stab me if I leave you alone"
I sigh, "I wish I could tell him why I'm upset about his, but he's so excited"
"Well you can tell me" Five says
I scoff "like you care"

"I do" he says.
I search his face, he means it. If I wasn't feeling so awful I might question it
"I just wish their was something else I could have done."
"There was, but you did what was best for your mother. That's more selfless than anything any of us would have done"
I instinctively hug him. It's more natural this time, like we had done it many times. We fit.

"You're not that bad" I admit
"You saw me kill somebody literally two weeks ago" he says releasing me
"You were protecting me"
He rolls his eyes, "next time I won't"
I smile "yes you will"
He sighs "I hate you"

We make eye contact and I realize how close we are. I can see the little baby hairs growing on his chin. He's kind of goofy looking, but not in a bad way. Although he would look better if his hair didn't have so much gel.

"Anyways" I say breaking eye contact
He points to the photo from Gritty's on my dresser, "I hate that picture."
I smile at it, "It makes me laugh"
"I hate you"

"I think you're just not photogenic, or attractive in general"
He crosses his arms, "I'm really good looking, look at any other picture"
I lean across him to grab the Polaroid out of my night stand, "how about I take one to prove my point?"
"Just don't come crying to me when you realize I'm hot"
"Not a chance" I sit on my knees and angle the camera down at his face "say cheese"

He looks up and grimaces which makes me laugh. I'm not sure he even knows how to smile.
The picture pops out of the top and I sit back down and start shaking the picture.

It slowly develops as my smile widens, "this is a gold"
Five peers at it, "I have a six head"
"It's just the angle"
"You're a terrible photographer"
"You're not photogenic"

We stare at each other for a moment before I burst into a fit of giggles, "I just can't take you seriously anymore"
"I'm leaving" he says standing up
"Is it because you were wrong again?"
He runs his hand through his hair, "I'm not wrong, you're just intolerable"
"You're so nice to me"
"I hate you"
"If I had a nickel for every time you said that I'd be richer than Sir Reginald"

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