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The Boy

"She should wear the black sequin dress" Klaus insists
"Nobody would wear that to a car rental place." Allison argues
Klaus hold it up in front of himself, "I would."
"I think she should wear the pink flowery one, it's more casual." Allison says
"Does it have to be a dress?"
"Do you want him to be distracted?" Klaus asks placing his hand on his hip
"Am I not distracting enough as I am?" I say doing a little twirl to show off the hair and makeup they already did.
Klaus looks unimpressed, "no"

Five's POV
30 minutes later

The door finally squeaks open and Diego and I sit up.
"Finally" I say
"What could have taken so long?" Diego wonders out loud

Y/n walks out of Allison's bedroom looking like a dream. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Diego staring, he looks like he's just noticed Y/n is a girl. She's wearing a white slip like dress with a denim jacket and chunky sandal. She has on a golden necklace that hangs loosely onto her chest, and a pink gloss that draws attention to her lips. You can't even see the scar on her cheek, they've completely covered it, although I'm not sure why. I can't help but stare, she's drop dead gorgeous. I mean, she's always beautiful, but wow.

She laughs, "Pick your jaws up off the floor guys."
Diego looks down at the ground sheepishly.
I clear my throat, "you look good, can we go?"
Klaus gasps, "Just good?"
"She looks hot for Y/n." Diego mumbles
I walk over and wipe at her cheek until I can see her scar again.
"What are you doing?" She protests
"You look gorgeous okay? Can we go?"
She rolls her eyes, but under the makeup I can see her flush, "whatever"

Y/n's POV

The boy at the counter stares as soon as I walk in. For the first time in forever I feel like I'm in control. I know how this is going to go, I know how to make this guy do what I want. I hate how hard it is to see what's going to happen when it comes to this. I hate not being able to protect the people I care about.

"Good afternoon" I say in my best British accent.
The boy at the counter smiles, "what can I help you with?"
"I seemed to have left my wallet in my parents rental car" I say dramatically fluttering my eyelashes
"What did it look like?"
"It was a white Tommy Hilfiger's wallet."
He points to the door, "I'll go look in the back."
"Can I come as well?" I ask. If I can get him to take me I can keep him distracted long enough for Five to get the information.
"I don't know, it's against pol-"
"Please?" I cut him off leaning over the counter towards him, "I'd be ever so grateful."
He looks me up and down and smiles, "Just don't tell anyone"
"My knight in shining armor." I muse. I hate this.

He leads me into a room behind the counter and sets a box in front of me, "take all the time you need."
"Thank you" I say beginning to dig through the box as if I'm looking while I wait for the ring of the bell to signal they're done.
"What brings you to the states?" The boy asks
"My brother is attending collage here."

After a few minutes the boy impatiently peers over my shoulder, "do you need help?"
I stand up straight, they need to get done soon, "no need, I don't think it's here."
"Well then we should probably go." The boy says gesturing over his shoulder
I pout, "so soon?"
He scratches the back of his head, "I wish I could talk to you all day, but I really need to get back to work."

"I just wanted to say thank you for all of your help." I say taking a step closer and smiling, hurry up boys.
"Well it was my pleasure" he blushes and turns to leave, but I grab him by the sleeve. I guess I have to.
"Is there some way I could show my appreciation?" If I didn't know this is the only thing that would work I would vomit at a plan like this. It's so objectifying.
His eyes flick down to my lips, "well I'm sure we could work something out."
I allow him to wrap his arm around my waist and I prepare myself for the inevitable. This is the only thing that'll work. They need as much time as I can give them. Our lips meet and I hold back the bile rising in my throat. Has this guy never heard of chapstick in his life? His lips are so dry.

Bing bing bing.
I pull back, longest two seconds of my life. Even a peck was too much for me, "you better get that."
He groans and leads me out to the counter, "How can I help you?"
I go around the counter as quickly as possible without being suspicious, "bye"
"Do you have any Toyotas available for rent this week?" Diego asks
"No" the boy responds, as I knew he would.
"Thank you." Diego says

We both go out to the car where Five is already brooding in the back seat. Diego gets in the driver seat and I get in the back seat.
"Why is Klaus here?" Five complains
Diego shrugs, "I told him not to come."
Diego always says that, but I think he secretly has a soft spot for Klaus.
"Five's just mad Y/n kissed that other guy." Klaus chirps from the front passenger seat
Earlier he assured me it was fine.
"Can we just go?" Five spits
"Where?" Diego asks
"His address 57 Comfort Way, Rochester" Five tells him.
I pull out a map, "get comfy, it's going to be a long drive"

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