Episode 9: Frenemies

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 A few weeks have passed and Lloyd barely comes out of his room anymore. We see the Ninja sitting in the living room.

Kai: Have any of you guys seen Lloyd today?

Cole: I haven't seen him since Garmadon's funeral.

Jay: I saw him yesterday, but I don't think that answers your question.

Nya: I haven't seen him in like 3 days, so no.

Zane: I saw him this morning, but he didn't speak to me, he looked like he was going through a rough time.

Kai: I'm going to go check on him.

Jay: Are you sure that's a good idea?

Kai: I'm sure.

Kai goes to check on Lloyd, and knocks on his door.

Lloyd: *sigh* Come in.

Kai enters the room and sees Lloyd, but it looks like he hasn't slept in days, and his eyes are a little puffy from crying.

Kai: Hey, I just wanted to check on you, so, how are you?

Lloyd: I'm doing fine, I guess.

Kai: Are you sure, I know that...you know...took a heavy toll on you.

Lloyd: I told you, I'm fine.

Kai: Well, Zane wanted me to tell you that we came up with a plan to get rid of the FBI's ability to clone YinYang, so something like this won't happen again.

Lloyd: Are you serious?

Kai: Why would I kid about something like that? I know how hurt you are, and I want to make sure that the FBI can never do something like this again.

Lloyd: Alright, I'm in. They hurt my father, so I'm going to hurt them back.

Timeskip to Zane's room.

Cole: Are you in their mainframe now?

Zane: Not yet. I would prefer it if you would not distract me.

Cole: Oh, sorry!

Kai: Shh!

There is silence in the air for a couple of minutes.

Zane: I'm in!

Jay: Alright! Now delete the information.

Zane: I have to find it first.

There's another moment of silence.

Zane: Found it!

Nya: Yes!

Zane: Deleting now.

Kai: This is what they get for killing Garmadon!

Lloyd puts his head down.

Kai: Oh, sorry.

Zane: Deletion done. Checking for backup files.

Cole: Wait, isn't this illegal?

Zane: Yes, but this was our plan, I thought you knew it was.

Cole: No, I didn't!

Jay: Should we abort the mission?

Lloyd: No. This is what they get for killing my father. They'll pay for what they did.

Zane: Done.

Nya: Yeah!

Timeskip to a couple of days later.

Lloyd is in his room holding a picture of him and his dad. He sets it down and goes to Master Wu's library where Wu is.

Lloyd: Wu? Can I talk to you for a moment?

Wu: Sure. What can I help you with?

Lloyd: Ever since Garmadon...you know...

Lloyd's eyes start to water.

Lloyd: All I've been able to feel is grief and anger, but mostly anger. I know I shouldn't be angry, but I am anyway.

Wu: I'm not an expert here, but I think that maybe you're just angry at the situation. I understand if you need some time to grieve-

Lloyd: I'm mad at YinYang. I just...I can't think about anything but getting revenge on him.

Wu: Well I'm glad you came to me about this. You know that revenge is never the answer. Maybe you can call a truce and convince him to join the team.

Lloyd: Why the hell would I do that?

Wu: Language.

Lloyd: Sorry Sensei.

Wu: If he joins the team, we can teach him our ways and make him a better person. In the end, he will be just as great of a person as you and me.

Lloyd: How can I ever forgive him for something like that though?

Wu: Just use the term "Forgive and Forget". I am going through the same thing as you. He was my brother, and I don't know if my life will be the same without him. We just have to forgive him for his actions. Besides, he was taking orders from the government, it's not like he went on his own secret mission to do it.

Lloyd: I suppose you're right. I'll try and make friends with him.

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