Bonus: The French Mistake

Start from the beginning

"It's a TV show." Sam replied. "You think?" Dean asked, sarcastically. "I mean, here... wherever here is, this... this twilight zone Balthazar zapped us into. For whatever reason, our life is a TV show." Sam explained. "Why?" Dean asked.

"I don't know." Sam replied. "No, seriously. Why? Why would anybody want to watch our lives?" Dean asked. "Well, I mean, according to that interviewer, not very many people do." Sam said. "God, I hope no one here writes fanfic about us too." I muttered.

"Look, I'm not saying it makes sense. I'm just saying, we... we landed in some dimension where you're Jensen Ackles, and I'm something called a Jared Padalecki." Sam explained as we walk towards a door. "So what, now you're polish? Is any of this making any sense to you?" Dean asked.

"Well who am I?" I asked. "I think your name here is Jaiden Walker." Sam replied. "Walker? Like Texan Ranger?" I asked, and Sam shrugged. We exit the studio and saw the Impala.

"Oh, hey. Least my baby made it." Dean said, as we made our way to the car. A man in a heavy coat goes up to the car and starts flinging mud onto the windshield. "Hey. Hey! What..." Dean started to yell but stops, when he sees four more Impalas, counting the two destroyed ones. "I feel sick. I'm gonna be sick." Dean muttered, walking off somewhere else with Sam and I following.

"I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad-touching me." Dean said. "Yeah, I know. Me too. So, what do you think? Cas?" Sam asked. "He's our best shot, if he's still alive." I said, shrugging.

We stop walking and I closed my eyes. "Castiel, where ever you are in heaven I hope you can hear this. Balthazar send us to some alternate universe and we could really use some help right now, please."

I open my eyes and saw Castiel a short distance away. "Cas? Cas!" I exclaimed, running over to him with Sam and Dean. "Hey, Cas! Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-w-what did Balthazar do to us?" Dean asked the angel.

"To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects yet dramatically different in others." Castiel explained. "Like... like Bizarro Earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory." Dean said.

Castiel look at him confused, like he wasn't expecting him to say that. "Um... Yeah, well... Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" He asked, holding his hand out.

"Yeah." Sam replied, digging into his pocket and hands Castiel the key. "So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway?" He asked. "It opens a room." Castiel replied.

"What's in the room?" I asked. "Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven." Castiel said. "He gave it to us?" I asked. "To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces." Castiel explained.

"Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this tv crap?" Sam asked, and Castiel looks taken aback by the question. "Pardon?" He asked and Dean scoffs. "Yeah. Amen, Padaleski." He said.

"Uh, lecki." Sam corrected him. "What?" Dean asked. "Lecki. Pretty sure." Sam said, and Castiel sighs. "Man. Did they put out new pages?" He asked, in different voice as he pulls out sheets of paper.

"New what?" Dean asked. "I mean, is this some kind of cosmic joke?" I asked. "Yeah, 'cause if it is, it's stupid, and we don't get it." Dean said. "Yeah!" Sam said, and Castiel laughs as he undos his tie. "Are you guys okay?" He asked us.

"Give me that." Dean said, grabbing the script from him. "What is... these are words in a script. This isn't Cas." He said. "Dude, look at him." Sam said, gesturing to fake-Cas, who unbuttons his shirt to reveal a patterned new age t-shirt underneath. "You guys want to run lines, or...?" He asked us.

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